Can you Fish in Haven?


Jun 12, 2020

Get a fishing rod, line, hook, and some item to use as bait.

To find out if you can use an item as bait or not draw your weapon (fishing rod) and try to drag/right click an item into the last slot on the right of the fishing interface.

Go out to one of the ponds and draw your fishing rod, drag/right click your hook, line, and bait then select a depth by either dragging the slider or type in the number (Minimum is 50, Maximum is 3000) and then exit mouse mode (default key is Z) and left click to cast the line. The longer you hold and the higher your fishing skill the further you can cast. Wait a while to see if the bait and depth you're using attracts a fish. You might get nibbles to know there is something there or if you're using something really attractive the fish will take the bait which will make a big splash sound and the bobber will plunge under water. In that moment tap attack (default is left click) and you'll set the fish on the hook and the reeling in can begin. When the fish is fighting back and trying to get away (you can tell when you hear and see the line being pulled back from the spool and the rod bends further than it's resting state) you hold block (default is right click) and wait until the fish is tired out then continue reeling in.

After your battle hopefully you come out with a fish as your reward!
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