Buff Pysche


Active member
Aug 13, 2020
PSY is weird and honestly should be less rng more active defense, my sheevra would have a field day if he took 16-20 damage from tlashes at 92 psy.

ranged damage in general needs to be toned down hard, you cant parry arrows or magic.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2020
PSY should have it's magic resist and reduction both entirely removed or dramatically reduced/split with INT. Then magic resist should be added as an armor stat that favors lighter but difficult to obtain materials. Someone who invests really good anti-magic armor should have a lot more magic protection than PSY currently gives. Someone who is naked should have a lot less.

Then healing should stop scaling on INT and start scaling on PSY. It should be removed from Ecumencial and given it's own school with additional buffs, HoTs, AoE heals, and you know... shit actual healer builds get. So going 80yo Sarcuudan with Maxed PSY is less a touched-in-the-head stupid level idea and an actual viable healer build. PSY made an attribute as valuable as any others as opposed to that stat full mages take for increased mana pool and fighters dump their extra points into.

Then blocking, sprinting and combat movement should all be made secondaries (Because nobody but mount bound alts and idiots don't run all three of those at 100) and two-handed weapons, shields, longbows, short bows, asymmetrical bows, and mounted armor training should all be made primaries with massive penalties or debuffs added to all those items which are negated when you train those skills. Additionally shields should get buffed (because they suck) and spears should be counted as a 2h weapon in terms of skill requirements (Because they're they only 1h weapon that doesn't suck).

You know. Make people actually have to invest points into being good at their role instead of letting everyone be footmelee+foot-archery+MA or mages that are both healers and a massive DPS source and have all the skills for a max power pet.
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Apr 20, 2022
or debuffs added to all those items which are negated when you train those skills

I really like most of your ideas, Kaemik, but this one specifically doesn't really fit inside the design of MO (as in, there are no other skills that give penalties for simply training them) -- the penalty should be on the employment of the skill, i.e. using the 2h weapons.

I agree that Psy just doing magic resist is kinda, I dunno, boring and lame?

I think, yeah, it powering up healing spells or something, would help diversify builds a lot. Mages currently having so much damage output and healing output without much downside to having both of these abilities seems kinda op, but I'm just speaking from theory, haven't played one.

I wish the stats, in general, just did more. As a foot-fighter, there should be different reasons to have high psy vs int, beyond "just put it all into psy because magic resist"


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2020
I really like most of your ideas, Kaemik, but this one specifically doesn't really fit inside the design of MO (as in, there are no other skills that give penalties for simply training them) -- the penalty should be on the employment of the skill, i.e. using the 2h weapons.

I agree that Psy just doing magic resist is kinda, I dunno, boring and lame?

I think, yeah, it powering up healing spells or something, would help diversify builds a lot. Mages currently having so much damage output and healing output without much downside to having both of these abilities seems kinda op, but I'm just speaking from theory, haven't played one.

I wish the stats, in general, just did more. As a foot-fighter, there should be different reasons to have high psy vs int, beyond "just put it all into psy because magic resist"

So what I'm saying there is there should be downsides added to the items in question unless you train the primary skills. I'll give some examples.

2h weapon stam drain is doubled from where it is now. Two handed primary skill halves stam use with 2h handed weapons. The net effect is you need to invest 100 more primary points into 2h weapons to make them function the same way they do now or you actually do suffer that massive nerf.

This also buffs 1h weapons as it means they're now cheaper to run making them a much better splash for certain builds that just want minimal melee capabilities.

By killing the redundant primaries everyone already takes (blocking, sprinting, and combat maneuvering) you're freeing up the points people would need to by the increased specialization in their main role. For instance a foot fighter who uses a greatsword and a longbow would have to train 2h weapons and longbows meaning they actually GAIN a primary from this change.

But a footfighter MA that switches to shield for some circumstances and a 2h for others, uses a longbow on foot and an assym on horseback, and runs heavy horse armor...

That build would need to train 2h + Shields + Longbows + Assyms + Horse Armor Training. Meaning it lost 2 primaries worth of points.

Kind of it's own topic really but goes in the vein of my suggestion on PSY. PSY should be made the specialization stat for healers instead of a purely supplementary stat to other roles. Skills need to be updated too so that specializing in healing is a real thing.
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Active member
Feb 25, 2022
i agree with buffing psych however if they lower "magery" damage they need to make ecumenical more mobile teleport/spell armor/spell shield and faster casting spells.


Feb 8, 2022
Totally agree psyche feels worthless at the moment outside of giving you a bit of mana. The magic resist part of the attribute seems negligible


Active member
Aug 13, 2020
thats the problem with bulging sheevras, they are still faster than non alv but still hit harder than standard dex mages, while having basically 200 hp. it needs to go.


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2021
Magic resist really should be tied to armor and not a stat. Same with int there's really no way to balance something when it's the same when risking nothing as risking a lot. There is no equivalent of wearing steel vs magic damage

Albanjo Dravae

Well-known member
Dec 20, 2021
thats the problem with bulging sheevras, they are still faster than non alv but still hit harder than standard dex mages, while having basically 200 hp. it needs to go.
No, buff the other mages. The way sheevra bulg could get nerfed its if theres an armor-magic regen buff for all mages. They might be meta mage build yet they are still gimped.


Well-known member
Sep 30, 2020
Last night I almost got 3 shot by a naked fatmage. Epic gameplay. I obv dont have psy, but the concept was still complete ass. He dropped like 4s in regs. Magic in this game is designed so poorly its insane. Its either literally broken or complete ass with no middle ground.

Deleted member 44

Last night I almost got 3 shot by a naked fatmage. Epic gameplay. I obv dont have psy, but the concept was still complete ass. He dropped like 4s in regs. Magic in this game is designed so poorly its insane. Its either literally broken or complete ass with no middle ground.
I would like to see a percentage reduction from pysche. Completely remove the RNG resist bullshit. Maybe make >=130 pysche equal 90% damage reduction and have it scale linear.
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Well-known member
Sep 30, 2020
I would like to see a percentage reduction from pysche. Completely remove the RNG resist bullshit. Maybe make >=130 pysche equal 90% damage reduction and have it scale linear.
Yes it shouldnt be RNG. Its less RNG than it was in older mo1. At some point in MO1`'s life, I think necro or spiritism update, they made psy give some reduction always, and still had the chance for bonus resist (where before it was rng resist only). Which MO2 has. but its still just dumb. It should always resist the same, with no rng resist.

Then the issue is if someone has 90% resist, mages cant touch them. But when psy is a low % reduction it doesnt feel worth it.

Deleted member 44

Yes it shouldnt be RNG. Its less RNG than it was in older mo1. At some point in MO1`'s life, I think necro or spiritism update, they made psy give some reduction always, and still had the chance for bonus resist (where before it was rng resist only). Which MO2 has. but its still just dumb. It should always resist the same, with no rng resist.

Then the issue is if someone has 90% resist, mages cant touch them. But when psy is a low % reduction it doesnt feel worth it.
That would be the upper limit. 130 psyche or higher would be extremely hard for most fighters to reach if not outright impossible. Mind blast will still bypass psyche like it currently does. With the addition of necromany, mages will be pushed to be more support that the current meta of magic go brrrrrr.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2020
That would be the upper limit. 130 psyche or higher would be extremely hard for most fighters to reach if not outright impossible.

138 is the max just like INT. To reach that value you have to be an 80-year-old, obese, full Sarduucan. You can also reach 136 as a 66-year-old, obese, full Sheevra.

Given how terrible both those builds are as fighters... yeah it's pretty safe to say simply getting your points that high will absolutely gimp you. Like you could skill out an obese 80yo Sarduucan as a fighter but their physical stats would be so insanely low I don't think it would even come close to the being a good build even if the only enemies you face are mages who don't know how to parry.
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Feb 14, 2022
Yeah, psy currently is only really good at extreme values, the highest psy build I tested (141 psych on a sheevra fatmage) mitigated about 65% damage from an outburst without resists, this was self casting at 129 int, with outburst being 27-35 damage, max hit was 12 without resists, the damage reduction is lower for stronger spells but the resist chance stays the same (which is fairly high at that psy) this test wasn't entirely accurate since I can't headshot myself, can also push this harder by using mind shield as an alvarin for a flat 25% reduction but it only lasts a short time.
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