Anyone else hate that change to magic reflect ? it changes the small scale and large battles completely and this in a bad way !

Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
I hate it and i want to explain why it broke the balance of the different classes, how it change the combat and why ! Now everyone try to push through the lines and not only a few deticated divers, at the right moment. Before you had to be at least a bit careful. Before the MR Patch only a few Footies had Magic reflect casted on them. This way they did not get magebanged but could not be healed as a tradeoff ! They are tanky against melee damage but are vulnerable against magic. The more sqishy divers ususally had no MR on them, becuase they are more squishy and did not wated to take the risk that a heal of their mage get reflected, if they return after a dive. Now EVERYONE have MR on ! This breaks the balance of the game ! Before there was a balance of agressive mages and the healing mages. Now every mage play an defencive healer, becuase they have to check who is loosing HP and at the same time which characters already got spurted, so most mages just focus on healing and not anymore on magebanging Divers.

This also change the playstyle of my human hybrid in a bad way.

Now with every Diver and footie having magic reflect casted on them the mages can´t magebang 1 char that is overextending, becuase the half team is diving at once and all with MR on. This change buff the Alvarin Divers even more. This Patch make it annoying to play a Mage and Hybrid.... You just have to spurt 10 times in the beginning of the fight, instead of having fun, corrupting and mage banging ! This change the fight from a position battle to a confusing breakthrough battle.

Before i draw a line in the mid of the battlefield. I did not pushed forward and backwards, but ran from left to right along this line, looking for a guy that will dive or overextend, hit him in the back with my sword and corrupt him. Now you first need to spurt him. I am doing noting else then spurting opponents . This ruins the fun to play any mage or hybrid ! There is no tradeoff.

It is no fun to play a hybrid anymore. At least for me ! Anyone think the same way ?
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Dec 9, 2021
As a Mage I love that Magic Reflect works like this. Magic Reflect was almost useless when you would need to heal mount/pet or teammates.

Most players already know shotcallers or other skilled killers who would receive MR.

MR is balanced because of how much Mana it costs imo.

I do agree spurting is tedious but it is also used to interrupt player spells, but I haven't had any issues mage banging the overextended with this update.
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Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
As a Mage I love that Magic Reflect works like this. Magic Reflect was almost useless when you would need to heal mount/pet or teammates.

Most players already know shotcallers or other skilled killers who would receive MR.

MR is balanced because of how much Mana it costs imo.

I do agree spurting is tedious but it is also used to interrupt player spells, but I haven't had any issues mage banging the overextended with this update.

But the whole team already have it active in the begining of the fight. This is not a big problem in small scale fights, but in large battles.
Before the patch only a few people pushed through the lane. I immediatly corrupted them and jumped on them with my sword, to hit them in the back. The currupt got respected and many of the divers returned with 3/4 HP. Now many people are diving all with MR on. This changes the battle from a position warfare to a very confusing breakthrough battle, where your divers dive their mages at the same time while their divers dive our mages. This make everything more confusing, the fighting is now much more difficult for new players and way too confusing, especially if we have no team colors and Guild banners to better identify the people in large battles. This change make it much harder to balance the teams in team trainings. This change make it harder to shot-call and everythign worse.

The ecumenical spells takes quite some time to cast. When i spurt a Diver he already pushed through many other players to the backline, before i finish casting the corrupt and i loose track of him many times, becuase i cant corrupt while running and keeping track of him. I mostly get attacked by other palyers, which still have MR on and that make me feel useless as a hybrid. I spurted a Diver and could not even corrupt him. I think to myself "Why did i not take my sword and just fight melee." Magic Hybrids feels useless, if they cant even corrupt properly. The upcomming Poison daggers will propably even make them more useless in large battles. I am dissapointed with this change.
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Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
Footwork, you are someone good right? I disagree w/ your opinion on magic reflect. It was balanced before, even in MO1. You could self cast to get the first reflection if you fight someone. It's like casting magic immunity on someone. If they do that, they should make it so necromancers can strip that buff and gain something from it.

Edit: btw, I talk a lot of shit, so you might not think I'm serious, but I am surprised that you like it is all. It is hard to feel as a player who has been playing reflect games for awhile.
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New member
Jul 21, 2022
Okay having just learned that heals arent reflected by Magic Barrier, comon that is a LAME change. A change made exclusively for non-mage/hybrid players. Fatties in Ogh mounted need less buffs not more empowerment (save breeding mount system thats not yet added). At first I thought Anabolic was just speaking on how MR persists through many node lines unlike MO1 (asfaik)- but MAGIC going THROUGH a MAGIC REFLECTION?! What a disgusting design decision! Just really bad, I get that testers or GMs dont pvp as much as normies but damn. Really brain-dead change.
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Well-known member
Oct 27, 2021
Yeah I feel the game being a job argument, that being said at least jobs usually tell you what to do so you have more direction.

Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
Okay having just learned that heals arent reflected by Magic Barrier, comon that is a LAME change. A change made exclusively for non-mage/hybrid players. Fatties in Ogh mounted need less buffs not more empowerment (save breeding mount system thats not yet added). At first I thought Anabolic was just speaking on how MR persists through many node lines unlike MO1 (asfaik)- but MAGIC going THROUGH a MAGIC REFLECTION?! What a disgusting design decision! Just really bad, I get that testers or GMs dont pvp as much as normies but damn. Really brain-dead change.

I could nto agree more !


New member
Jul 21, 2022
In MO1 I really liked bouncing heals back to myself, and to get rid of a troublesome MR on someone who was gonna need heals soon if needed in a long fight or siege. Not to mention the extra skill/memory/awareness factor it took to not blow your own sides MR. The mere fact you can just spam heal bot now no worries... Corrupt? Whats that? I mean people often joked (some serious for sure) that mage play was noob class already what will they say now! Come on SV make mage play better not worse! Don't catter to the people who don't even play the class and make mass battles and mage play less interesting. :'{
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New member
Jul 21, 2022
And for those of you who will say "Oh but Necromancy", nah nah Ecumenical Magic battles even in mass battles for YEARS were still fun and skillful depending without "chase spells" or "lazer beams" at least execpt on noting the skill of a particular mage but not litterally. Alright ill stop spammin thread :x Some other longtime mages / hybrids should chime in on this topic please
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Active member
Jun 27, 2020
I prefer MR like it was before( more skill based), but I like the fact we can visually see MR pop.
Magic have become less skill based over the year.. kinda sad. All u have to do now is spawm your freacking button and hope the server register, im quite disgusted by it. Mage Baby Theme park


Active member
Dec 11, 2021
MR and being a mage, in general, is horrendous. I gave the game a chance with necro, it's not made anything better. I've stopped playing until something changes.
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Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020

I also like these recommendations !


Active member
Jul 2, 2020
you cant say something is balanced when there is no downsides to having it. People have been saying that the mana cost is what makes it balanced but its a spell that last 17 mins. You can regain an entire 10 mana bars in that time.
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Well-known member
May 16, 2021
The new MR is very convenient but the top mages dont really like how it dumbed down mage v mage game play.

FFs like it because its convenient and less troublesome to get a MR. Its nicers are a mage to give out MRs now but it dumbed down mage game play and MR at the right time against the right target was very high skill.
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Active member
Jan 24, 2022
Magic reflect by itself is not a problem. However, making it have no downsides has changed the game.

Mages & Hybrids are required to have Magic Reflect up as a part of their core. This coupled with how magic reflect works makes it, so mages take significant damage. In open field battles this is fine, we can outburst to pop from a distance and become a drain game on each side, who will run out of mana first when the divers come in. This is a tactical play of do we need to have that many reflects up? Mages run out of mana faster than archers run out of arrows. While we can sit down to regen mana, consider that the 6-8 spells we can cast before going oom are now relegated to burning Magic Reflects.

While it adds some kind of gameplay flow for mages, it causes problems ultimately with people who are Pure Mage, unlike Footfighters who have few downsides to being a Walking Chonker, or an Archer that can still pull and shoot a bow in melee, a mage that gets into melee will not survive long if they are not a hybrid of some degree. You can argue up and down about Concentration and Death Hand being castable while moving fail to understand that if a Footfighter does not hit you directly (Handlehit or sweetspot miss) you still deal some damage unless it's a total miss. For a mage it is either 100% or 0% hit. Archers are more forgiving since you can continue to fire off arrows while a mage is oomed.

Mortal Online 2 is a wonderful game if you are not a PURE MAGE. It promotes Hybridization as specialization is not smart for Mages.

These problems are exacerbated by Reflect making an already difficult and unfun playstyle harder, while giving others a buff at the convenience of the class who it impacts the most.

This however has 3 major downsides on the part of mages.

1. Mages in narrow areas or restricted zones are now weaker as the footies will always have MR up and can round the corner into you.
2. Mages in long range combat that acted as short range skirmishers now need to pop reflects in fear of the divers getting close and not being able to bang them down.
3. Magic Reflect ultimately serves to negate combat mages and promote Healing

From the perspective of everyone else that is not a mage or hybrid, this change is good. From the playerbase that is struggling the most this change is like being told mages will get better, after 6+ Months we get necromancy and are starting to see some improvement. (Necromancy) Then suddenly and without warning Reflect makes being a mage even harder.

The only godsend we have is that Mental Projectile goes through reflect, (This may be a bug if it is, then I'm convinced Henrik Hates Mages or at least some of the Dev Team) Necromancy should as well unless they spit off the spell shield + Healing through another option. Reflect by itself is good, making it a spell shield + Healing through is not a good idea.

Or you can bump up Reflects Ecu skill to 80+ if you keep it the same. I'd argue 100 Ecu since it is just that strong.


Dec 9, 2021
The new MR is very convenient but the top mages dont really like how it dumbed down mage v mage game play.

FFs like it because its convenient and less troublesome to get a MR. Its nicers are a mage to give out MRs now but it dumbed down mage game play and MR at the right time against the right target was very high skill.

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Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
Magic reflect by itself is not a problem. However, making it have no downsides has changed the game.

Mages & Hybrids are required to have Magic Reflect up as a part of their core. This coupled with how magic reflect works makes it, so mages take significant damage. In open field battles this is fine, we can outburst to pop from a distance and become a drain game on each side, who will run out of mana first when the divers come in. This is a tactical play of do we need to have that many reflects up? Mages run out of mana faster than archers run out of arrows. While we can sit down to regen mana, consider that the 6-8 spells we can cast before going oom are now relegated to burning Magic Reflects.

While it adds some kind of gameplay flow for mages, it causes problems ultimately with people who are Pure Mage, unlike Footfighters who have few downsides to being a Walking Chonker, or an Archer that can still pull and shoot a bow in melee, a mage that gets into melee will not survive long if they are not a hybrid of some degree. You can argue up and down about Concentration and Death Hand being castable while moving fail to understand that if a Footfighter does not hit you directly (Handlehit or sweetspot miss) you still deal some damage unless it's a total miss. For a mage it is either 100% or 0% hit. Archers are more forgiving since you can continue to fire off arrows while a mage is oomed.

Mortal Online 2 is a wonderful game if you are not a PURE MAGE. It promotes Hybridization as specialization is not smart for Mages.

These problems are exacerbated by Reflect making an already difficult and unfun playstyle harder, while giving others a buff at the convenience of the class who it impacts the most.

This however has 3 major downsides on the part of mages.

1. Mages in narrow areas or restricted zones are now weaker as the footies will always have MR up and can round the corner into you.
2. Mages in long range combat that acted as short range skirmishers now need to pop reflects in fear of the divers getting close and not being able to bang them down.
3. Magic Reflect ultimately serves to negate combat mages and promote Healing

From the perspective of everyone else that is not a mage or hybrid, this change is good. From the playerbase that is struggling the most this change is like being told mages will get better, after 6+ Months we get necromancy and are starting to see some improvement. (Necromancy) Then suddenly and without warning Reflect makes being a mage even harder.

The only godsend we have is that Mental Projectile goes through reflect, (This may be a bug if it is, then I'm convinced Henrik Hates Mages or at least some of the Dev Team) Necromancy should as well unless they spit off the spell shield + Healing through another option. Reflect by itself is good, making it a spell shield + Healing through is not a good idea.

Or you can bump up Reflects Ecu skill to 80+ if you keep it the same. I'd argue 100 Ecu since it is just that strong.

There should be a rip or shatter spell. Rip = buffs caster who removes MR, shatter = damages target when MR is removed. Still, it's such a strange change. REVERT.

PS: I doubt any projectile or target non-person spell is blocked by reflect. Is EQ? that's standard game stuff, too. Still, the last thing this game needs is more defense lol lawdy.
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Well-known member
May 16, 2021
Yeah after playing for a while everyone hates the reflect changes. makes mm even more busted every spell you cast has to be a spurt every next spell they cast is just going to ne a reflect. Made mounted meta very busted.