Alvarin Roleplay Guild with humor!


Active member
May 28, 2020
Inside your palisade
Greetings, citizens of Nave!

I would like to know if there are any roleplayers out there that would like to start a brand new guild from the ground up. As we play we will develop a background lore to our guild as well as our individual background stories. We will have guild titles such as "Weapons Master" for our best dualist, and nobleman titles for the most active core members that contribute the most to the guild. We will develop our own religion, ceremonies and traditions.

This formal lore will be our shell, but we will allow humoristic cracks in the lore. For example, someone might really want to play an Oghmir, which doesnt fit the formal narrative, and this might be explained with him being adopted. The main focus of the guild will be humor and to have fun, and our humoristic hardcore roleplaying is our tool.

If you are interested, PM me on discord!


Active member
May 28, 2020
An Alvarin RP guild sounds very intriguing. It is something rare, surely, yet it is what Nave truly needs. I wish you guys much success in the days to come. 🍻