Allow wearing a shield on your back in combat mode


Well-known member
Sep 30, 2020
Now that shields take armor weight, they should be wearable as an armor piece. In an ideal world, it could be toggleable if you have a 1h wep, so you can chose to have it on your back or hold it. Mordhau has an option for this.

Wearing a shield on your back is just a cooler cape. So you should be able to do it even with a 2h weapon, but with a 2h wep you cant toggle to hold it.

And now that shields take armor weight, it wouldn't be op or 'free protection'.


Well-known member
Jun 13, 2020
This make sense, just like adding weapon weight to armor weight(lets call it gear weight) make sense.
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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2021
Now that shields take armor weight, they should be wearable as an armor piece. In an ideal world, it could be toggleable if you have a 1h wep, so you can chose to have it on your back or hold it. Mordhau has an option for this.

Wearing a shield on your back is just a cooler cape. So you should be able to do it even with a 2h weapon, but with a 2h wep you cant toggle to hold it.

And now that shields take armor weight, it wouldn't be op or 'free protection'.
Eeehm as if oghmirs in steel with door shields aren't bad enough, you want them to also be swinging 2h swords at the same time.


Well-known member
Sep 30, 2020
Eeehm as if oghmirs in steel with door shields aren't bad enough, you want them to also be swinging 2h swords at the same time.
They can balance shields more. When a tower shield worth wearing is 8kg they aren't wearing that with steel. Or most likely would use a much smaller shield.

Shield weight did much less before so their weight numbers aren't balanced well but they can all be changed.

Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
That would break the catch up mechanics totally !

Neither the Mages nor the slower footfighters like Ogmirs and Thursars are happy, as the Towershields have been tried to balance.

1.- The mages complain about not being able to wear armor anymore and demand that the mana regeneration penelty kicks in 2kg later. So with 4 kg instead of 2 kg

2.- the footfighters are unhappy because the tower shield doesn't slow down their wearer.

The explanation of why the Tower Shield buffets the Alvarin so much and why it destroys the game's catchup mechanics.

The Towershield buffs the Alvarin far too extreme, as the Towershield totally destroys the catchup mechanics of this game. There is no slipstream in MO2 ! The only mechanic that allows the chaser to catch up is bringing your opponent below 60% health with your bow. Below 60% health, a player regenerates stamina more slowly, which allow the chaser to catch up. The problem with the Alvarin in combination with a towershield is that you no longer can bring the Dex-Fghter below 60% health if he runs away. The shield covers the entire back when he is sprinting outside of combat mode.

A player is running slower while sprinting out of Combat mode, but an Alvarin out of Combat mode will still run as fast as a Human, Ogmir, or Thursar with a drawn weapon ! This allows the Alvarin to carry his shield on his back while running away and use his speed buff to gain distance and be invulnerable, while running away. He won't gain any further distance without his buff, but the persecutor won't be able to catch him unless the Alvarin can be brought below 60% health, which is not possible anymore !

This need a fix !

Now to the Fix
Add a Str requirement for Towershields ! It could require 123 Str. A number that an Alvarin Dex Fighter could never reach ! He should be able to wear the shield, even if he have less Str, but a player not meeting the str requirements should be slowed down by the tower shield by at least 4 %, so that the Alvarin can no longer outrun the other classes out of combat Modus
while he is invulnerable when running away with a huge Towershield on his back.

A 1vs 1 fight against a Thursar + steel tower shield can take 7 + min. You not get him down. He regs faster as you can deal damage to him, becuase you will get so many equipment hits ! Make it so that an equiment hit does not count as a missed swing, so you will not get a cooldown for blocking and attacking after hitting a shield !
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Well-known member
Sep 30, 2020
@Anabolic Man Yes my suggestion is only if they were balanced further. I wouldn't want them to make it so you can run around with a tower shield on your back in combat mode as they are now, that would be shit lol.

Tower shields are too op currently I definitely wouldnt want to buff them.

My ideal scenario is they should weigh enough that you are only running around with like a round or kite shield on your back, which is much less op. and would still weigh enough that people wouldn't most of the time.

And they could also make it so a shield on your back does less mitigation than they do currently.

currently shields are in a bad place but I don't want that to stop cool things with shields being added. I think my idea as a concept is cool, the balance of shields just needs to change a lot for it to work.

Deleted member 44

No. Combat mode spiriting invincibility. No thanks.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
That would break the catch up mechanics totally !

Neither the Mages nor the slower footfighters like Ogmirs and Thursars are happy, as the Towershields have been tried to balance.

1.- The mages complain about not being able to wear armor anymore and demand that the mana regeneration penelty kicks in 2kg later. So with 4 kg instead of 2 kg

2.- the footfighters are unhappy because the tower shield doesn't slow down their wearer.

The explanation of why the Tower Shield buffets the Alvarin so much and why it destroys the game's catchup mechanics.

The Towershield buffs the Alvarin far too extreme, as the Towershield totally destroys the catchup mechanics of this game. There is no slipstream in MO2 ! The only mechanic that allows the chaser to catch up is bringing your opponent below 60% health with your bow. Below 60% health, a player regenerates stamina more slowly, which allow the chaser to catch up. The problem with the Alvarin in combination with a towershield is that you no longer can bring the Dex-Fghter below 60% health if he runs away. The shield covers the entire back when he is sprinting outside of combat mode.

A player is running slower while sprinting out of Combat mode, but an Alvarin out of Combat mode will still run as fast as a Human, Ogmir, or Thursar with a drawn weapon ! This allows the Alvarin to carry his shield on his back while running away and use his speed buff to gain distance and be invulnerable, while running away. He won't gain any further distance without his buff, but the persecutor won't be able to catch him unless the Alvarin can be brought below 60% health, which is not possible anymore !

This need a fix !

Now to the Fix
Add a Str requirement for Towershields ! It could require 123 Str. A number that an Alvarin Dex Fighter could never reach ! He should be able to wear the shield, even if he have less Str, but a player not meeting the str requirements should be slowed down by the tower shield by at least 4 %, so that the Alvarin can no longer outrun the other classes out of combat Modus
while he is invulnerable when running away with a huge Towershield on his back.

A 1vs 1 fight against a Thursar + steel tower shield can take 7 + min. You not get him down. He regs faster as you can deal damage to him, becuase you will get so many equipment hits ! Make it so that an equiment hit does not count as a missed swing, so you will not get a cooldown for blocking and attacking after hitting a shield !
Just a few comments,

1. The less than 60% health stamina regeneration penalty was removed quite while ago, we regenerate stamina at full speed at any percentage of health.

2. Adding a foot speed movement slow down to just about anything simply means it won't ever be used by anyone except maybe new players.

3. You aren't "invulnerable" with a tower shield on your back, unless it's made of extremely good materials like steel or better. People still take damage from arrows through shields, sure it protects you for around 50% pierce damage with an average shield but they are still going to die if they don't play smart with the shield on.

I also think the solution to making mages happier is not to give them their heavy shields back, but to make magic more fun and engaging to use.
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Well-known member
May 28, 2020
Now that shields take armor weight, they should be wearable as an armor piece. In an ideal world, it could be toggleable if you have a 1h wep, so you can chose to have it on your back or hold it. Mordhau has an option for this.

Wearing a shield on your back is just a cooler cape. So you should be able to do it even with a 2h weapon, but with a 2h wep you cant toggle to hold it.

And now that shields take armor weight, it wouldn't be op or 'free protection'.
This is a neat idea indeed, but as you have already said would require some significant changes to shields for it to work.

We also need better keybinds for swapping weapons and shields in general.
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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2021
A 6kg door is already OP, no problem wearing that + mostly steel for an oghmir.
It would be another massive buff to oghmirs, we CERTAINLY don't need that. TBH i'm mostly worried being a human cleric, if they'll let footies use doors with 2h weapons even the little melee capability i have would be made completely obsolete. Cleric lives matters.


Well-known member
Sep 30, 2020
A 6kg door is already OP, no problem wearing that + mostly steel for an oghmir.
It would be another massive buff to oghmirs, we CERTAINLY don't need that. TBH i'm mostly worried being a human cleric, if they'll let footies use doors with 2h weapons even the little melee capability i have would be made completely obsolete. Cleric lives matters.
I think one of the main issues is that tower shields were just a bad idea to implement. Nobody would care that much if people had small 2kg round shields on their back. But tower shields are so dumb that they are op at almost any weight. Unless they become so absurdly heavy that they become dead content.