The following is a guide/story of an adventure on 1 October 2021 - Beta Version It is not expected the be complete or comprehensive guide and hopefully others will share their experiences with additional accurate information.

The Journey
A group of five from guilds Southern Cross [SoCo] and The Noble Ones [TNO] went exploring to find a Campodon spawn. After two hours of exploring, arguing, wrongly prioritising taming horses and picking salvia we found the spawn. The following is the summary of how to get to one of the spawns.
Starting in Bakti, proceeed west along Bakti Road and cross the Bakti River. Stay on the west bank whilst heading south. At the river split, stay west and head south-west to the Keep bridge (vertical yellow bar on map below.).
Your path is along the calx wall (purple line on the map). All times are based from leaving the Keep Bridge using a Steppe Horse, second gear at 500 speed. Total travel time is 5 mins 50 seconds from Keep Bridge to the spawn.
From Keep Bridge, hug the calx rock wall to your left (south). After about 1 min 40 secs you'll experience the mount bug where the horse disappears from under you and then suddenly comes back as you keep going. This bug/feature is like a node line running south-east to north-west through the valley and also affects horse rides on the top of the plateau near the Keep. The jungle tress on your right has two sators in there somewhere (the green cross on the map).
After 2 min 20 secs you'll start to see some ruins in a second set of jungle trees on your right which are lit by torches or otherwise lit at night (blue dot on map). There were no sators or other creatures in these trees near the ruins. There is one chest where we picked 1g 30s, some bandages, two gems and some food.
Once you've reached the ruins, you can proceed west or south west and you'll come across a road. Continue south along the road. After 4 mins you'll come across a large calx rock in the middle of the road, thus knowing you are on the right path. Continue south/south-weest along the road.
After 5 mins 10 secs you'll find the jungle tress you've been travelling through start to clear and open up into a plain. Continue left or south slightly and you at 5 mins 50 secs you'll find the Camopodon spawn in the middle of the plain. There is reportedly another spawn further on I didn't go to that one.
The Herd and Taming
The spawn comprised a herd of 2 adults and 3 babies (based on obvious size). The repeat visit the next day the herd was 2 adults and 2 babies.
We were able to tame a level 2 baby relatively easily, it was about the fifth attempt on taming that it worked. There was one other baby we tried to tame, however with two tamers both with max 100 skills, after multiple mercy modes and 30 or so attempts to tame it we gave up.
We used skinning knife to complete butchering the carcass of the adults to max the skills. It was on zero when I tamed so this didnt impact my ability to tame a baby.
Attacks & Health
Once one Campo aggro's, they whole heard responds. You can tag individual Campo's and they will respond so you can split them up. The adults have three attacks (left and right slash with tusks, and the charge) whilst the babies have two (just the right/left slashing). Our testing showed we could melee parry the slashing attacks of the babies, didn't try with the adults. Later testing showed the baby would slash a fully armoured melee fighter for 17 damage.
As expected, these campos are intense to feed. The objective of our adventure was find the Campo's and not necessarily to get onem, thus we weren't prepared for feeding. Our experience was there is insufficient food to pick in the wild to keep your Campo loyal or to really reduce the hunger level. We tried a number of different options and found green jamburra from the nearby trees did lower hunger a little. Thankfully we had someone ride back to Bakti to get Dile. We found about 1,000 units of Dile reduced the hunger by about 70 units. All up we probably used about 6-7,000 units of food to get it to 1,0000 loyalty and back to Bakti.
Return to Bakti
Towing the Campo back to Bakti was exceptionally problematic. Really hoping others had a better experience. There is a node/nav line just near the ruins (blue dot on map) and our baby campo just wouldn't cross it. We tried everything including relogging, transferring it, attacking players, abandon/retame. After about 1.5 hours we went to give up and return to Bakti. Walking back we found that as we approached the bridge we encoutered again the horse/mount bug/feature where the horse you are riding disappears and comes back again under you a short distance later. This bug/feature triggered the campo to pop to us.
The rest of the way to Bakti had no issues until we reached the exceptionally well known pet node line just down Bakti Road. All locals know this node line very well as it pretty much blocks you towing any creature up Bakti Road from the river to town. Walkl any time along the road and you'll find anywhere between one and four horses parked stuck on the node line. It took us another 45 minutes to get the Campo across this node line having tried about 8 different paths across. Again transfers/attacks/relogs and everything in between to achieve this. We finally somehow got it done and finally the Campo named iLoveNodeLines is now successfully in the Bakti stable.
Additional information received and confirmed since first published:
Level 2 - 364 hp, hits for ~ 17-25
Level 102 - 1064hp, hits for ~ 120
Level 1-50 = Young Campodon
Once it levels to Level 51 and has been stabled and comes out = Camopdon
Once it levels to Level 101 and has been stabled and comes out = Elder Camopdon
Feeding - Does not appear to like meat of any kind

Credit to Slyy and for the map and my crap additions to show directions. Not to scale but pretty indicative.
I'd do a video of how to get there, but might leave that to a professional like Wolfszeit and his supporters Carmel the Dragon Slayer, Professor and Donski. Remember to make Party Hard !!!

The Journey
A group of five from guilds Southern Cross [SoCo] and The Noble Ones [TNO] went exploring to find a Campodon spawn. After two hours of exploring, arguing, wrongly prioritising taming horses and picking salvia we found the spawn. The following is the summary of how to get to one of the spawns.
Starting in Bakti, proceeed west along Bakti Road and cross the Bakti River. Stay on the west bank whilst heading south. At the river split, stay west and head south-west to the Keep bridge (vertical yellow bar on map below.).
Your path is along the calx wall (purple line on the map). All times are based from leaving the Keep Bridge using a Steppe Horse, second gear at 500 speed. Total travel time is 5 mins 50 seconds from Keep Bridge to the spawn.
From Keep Bridge, hug the calx rock wall to your left (south). After about 1 min 40 secs you'll experience the mount bug where the horse disappears from under you and then suddenly comes back as you keep going. This bug/feature is like a node line running south-east to north-west through the valley and also affects horse rides on the top of the plateau near the Keep. The jungle tress on your right has two sators in there somewhere (the green cross on the map).
After 2 min 20 secs you'll start to see some ruins in a second set of jungle trees on your right which are lit by torches or otherwise lit at night (blue dot on map). There were no sators or other creatures in these trees near the ruins. There is one chest where we picked 1g 30s, some bandages, two gems and some food.
Once you've reached the ruins, you can proceed west or south west and you'll come across a road. Continue south along the road. After 4 mins you'll come across a large calx rock in the middle of the road, thus knowing you are on the right path. Continue south/south-weest along the road.
After 5 mins 10 secs you'll find the jungle tress you've been travelling through start to clear and open up into a plain. Continue left or south slightly and you at 5 mins 50 secs you'll find the Camopodon spawn in the middle of the plain. There is reportedly another spawn further on I didn't go to that one.
The Herd and Taming
The spawn comprised a herd of 2 adults and 3 babies (based on obvious size). The repeat visit the next day the herd was 2 adults and 2 babies.
We were able to tame a level 2 baby relatively easily, it was about the fifth attempt on taming that it worked. There was one other baby we tried to tame, however with two tamers both with max 100 skills, after multiple mercy modes and 30 or so attempts to tame it we gave up.
We used skinning knife to complete butchering the carcass of the adults to max the skills. It was on zero when I tamed so this didnt impact my ability to tame a baby.
Attacks & Health
Once one Campo aggro's, they whole heard responds. You can tag individual Campo's and they will respond so you can split them up. The adults have three attacks (left and right slash with tusks, and the charge) whilst the babies have two (just the right/left slashing). Our testing showed we could melee parry the slashing attacks of the babies, didn't try with the adults. Later testing showed the baby would slash a fully armoured melee fighter for 17 damage.
As expected, these campos are intense to feed. The objective of our adventure was find the Campo's and not necessarily to get onem, thus we weren't prepared for feeding. Our experience was there is insufficient food to pick in the wild to keep your Campo loyal or to really reduce the hunger level. We tried a number of different options and found green jamburra from the nearby trees did lower hunger a little. Thankfully we had someone ride back to Bakti to get Dile. We found about 1,000 units of Dile reduced the hunger by about 70 units. All up we probably used about 6-7,000 units of food to get it to 1,0000 loyalty and back to Bakti.
Return to Bakti
Towing the Campo back to Bakti was exceptionally problematic. Really hoping others had a better experience. There is a node/nav line just near the ruins (blue dot on map) and our baby campo just wouldn't cross it. We tried everything including relogging, transferring it, attacking players, abandon/retame. After about 1.5 hours we went to give up and return to Bakti. Walking back we found that as we approached the bridge we encoutered again the horse/mount bug/feature where the horse you are riding disappears and comes back again under you a short distance later. This bug/feature triggered the campo to pop to us.
The rest of the way to Bakti had no issues until we reached the exceptionally well known pet node line just down Bakti Road. All locals know this node line very well as it pretty much blocks you towing any creature up Bakti Road from the river to town. Walkl any time along the road and you'll find anywhere between one and four horses parked stuck on the node line. It took us another 45 minutes to get the Campo across this node line having tried about 8 different paths across. Again transfers/attacks/relogs and everything in between to achieve this. We finally somehow got it done and finally the Campo named iLoveNodeLines is now successfully in the Bakti stable.
Additional information received and confirmed since first published:
Level 2 - 364 hp, hits for ~ 17-25
Level 102 - 1064hp, hits for ~ 120
Level 1-50 = Young Campodon
Once it levels to Level 51 and has been stabled and comes out = Camopdon
Once it levels to Level 101 and has been stabled and comes out = Elder Camopdon
Feeding - Does not appear to like meat of any kind

Credit to Slyy and for the map and my crap additions to show directions. Not to scale but pretty indicative.
I'd do a video of how to get there, but might leave that to a professional like Wolfszeit and his supporters Carmel the Dragon Slayer, Professor and Donski. Remember to make Party Hard !!!
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