3 new ecumenical Spells, which would improve the gameplay a lot !

Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
1. A spell that double the precast timer for the next casted Spell. (This would make playing the Hybrid so much more fun !)
As a Hybrid i want to precast a spell, fight the opponent with my sword and finish him with a spell, even if the spell cost much more Mana.
In most fights the 20 Second timer runs out before you even reach the opponents or select the proper target to cast your spell on.

2. A Spell that give you some Armor for the next hit (This would imrove mage Gameplay)
Would allow the mage to be a bit more agressive

3. A Spell that let you move if you are overloaded for 10 seconds uo to a certain weight. (This would make the butcher profession much more fun)
If you butcher 6 stacks carcass in Meduli you have to put all the butchered material in your bag. If you arrive at the vendor you have to open the bag agian and put everything in your inventory again (would be much better if we could cast such a spell and walk to the vendor

Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
What would be wrong with that? That would give the hybrid a lot more options and improve gameplay.


Apr 19, 2022
(1.) No Need.
Instead a heal-over-time so we can do something else during a fight but spamming the smaller heals.

1. No. Instead a blade turn bubble - selfcast only - preventing one hit, taking the first hit away, been the same mechanic as MR but for melee.

2. Yes but we need a carry weight spell +20kg for 5 minutes - selfcast only. (The mage can carry less loot than a melee is flat out unfair design.)
I agree, but duration is too short. To have another one for +200 kg for some seconds .. would be smth..

3. A insta cast heal max base 80 for emergency, give it a 3-5 minute downtime or make it a clade if you need.

Just these 4, the absolute bare minimum to save the healer/ Ecu class you need.
Since the ecu class works with taming you first have to repair the ecu class. Sounds logical to me anyway. Just a note.


Active member
Feb 25, 2022


Well-known member
May 16, 2021
Ecu does to much damage, lower dam but increase cast speed.

Ecu mage armor should be a reaction. mage shield that takes .5s to cast and puts up a energy wall that last for a second for 40 mana.

Mages are very survivalable a good mage will beat a footy in open world. and in group fight situational awareness and parry untill peels.

Elemental has some op spells like schock. way way to much damage. needs a nerf.

Necro... only really death hand, auw serge are good for pvp. death heand us very nice but you are spending so many points to get 3 spells while ecu has so many used spells. And 200 points for ritual to get a meh pet.

Slight nerf damage ecu, nerf damage ele, flesh out necro more.


New member
Nov 6, 2023
A Blink for Mages would be the best 👌 and a counter with footies having some movement speed to bridge the gap


Apr 19, 2022
Thank you for the invitation but, i am not engaging in a balance discussion when enchantments are not in the game.
Let's keep it to the OP about improving / completing Ecumenical / healing only. It is a base school.

Important parts of balance come in with enchantments. Enchantments increase resists / dmg stats / e.g..
The players will, for some solid part, adapt for themselves with the help of the enchantments, to the current ingame meta.
(So the developers do not have to do that so much.)

Enchantments is a working concept no need to balance styles against each other that are not really comparable.
No need to replace it. Enchantments needs to be put IN place ASAP. This is what i 100% agree on, with you.
But enchantment is not in the game and it does not give the highly needed spells. So why talk about balance?

This here, i think, is about repairing ecu school, making healers a bit more viable, btw. that prolongs melee fights and group fights in general.
If fixed, every one is a winner. If you do not repair this, there is no meaningful long ongoing group play, that involves all specs.

How can the healer heal, when it is the first target and dies first? If you like, you could explain that one to me. I do not understand it.

To sum up: the core pillars of medieval group fighting are melee, healer, mage, the most common classes. 3v3, 5v5, 8v8 and above. This is not about 1v1.
When in your game 4 melee 2 healer and 2 mages loose VS 8 melee, like it is in MO2 right now - then you have to ask: Why we have these play styles even? When they need 1500 hours to prep and then drop like potatoes? Why not replace them with melees, easy fix!?

The "Pure Mage VS Pure Footie" entry you posted is about balance.
(But there is a lot about Ecu too! I will read it for sure, looks like you invested a lot of time too! .. if i can find the time, i may join in later.)

At the moment it is: implement Enchantments > Balance to fix then.


Apr 19, 2022
A Blink for Mages would be the best 👌 and a counter with footies having some movement speed to bridge the gap
You are funny! Ja, blink is nice to have, but it is super op also! That is up to SV, but the community will not be for it - and for some good reasons. I am not for or against it,

i know that it will be used against us/me as well, so there is that. Maybe smth. to put on the famous list for later, i guess? Keep in mind we all play on 150+ ping. In question is blinking to spots where you are protected while in aggro range of mobs. Also, I am not sure if it fits in the Ecumenical section.

So, super solid mechanics > cool fancy mechanics some time later if fit.