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  1. Javelin

    @henrik, your game has gone soft.

    This new murder count system is not hardcore. In Mortal 1, murderers had to commit to being murderers, it meant a harder life, you lost stats when you died, you couldn't enter towns, you had to rely on cave camp and gaul kor for banking. This new system is for babies, wannabe murderers who...
  2. Javelin

    AMA Response, please abandon 1 world commitment in favor of a better gameplay experience POLL

    I might be alone in this and so this might be a lost cause request but hear me out. In listening to the AMA I understand a lot of work has already been done to try and normalize ping between players. They are fighting against technology and internet being behind the ability to do this though...
  3. Javelin

    Combat is boring round 2.

    Let's begin again. I'll attempt to be more thorough and constructive, I hope you all will do the same. First of all I'm saying combat is boring and advocating for it to be overhauled because it will benefit the game. Defending a broken system doesn't benefit the game. I get why you do it...
  4. Javelin

    Constructive Combat Suggestions.

    This is meant to be a constructive discussion, I am not claiming that these ideas are right or the best but are just intended to get some discussion going around how combat could be fixed / overhauled. So take it with a grain of salt and add your own ideas or poke holes in mine. My suggestions...
  5. Javelin

    Combat is boring, a note to Henrik.

    I played Mortal 1, I ran a guild that spent all day getting into trouble, fighting all the time. I was looking forward to returning to the adrenaline filled world of Nave.... and then I logged in. What in the hell has happened to the combat? It's slow, everything has such a long windup you'd...