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  1. Mazarope

    Flying Char

    Dear Devs and Players, There is a char flying outside Meduli for a week now. Can you see if he/she is okay? Don't know if he/she was on a deleted keep or something like that. Iit's weird to see a persistent bug like that.
  2. Mazarope

    PLS BAN Pets Training in Dummies

    Dear Devs and Players, I've seen many pets training in the combat dummies in Meduli. This is made to lvl up the pets up to lvl 125 and use than in combat or sell then in the market. Either way, I see no benefit on keeping it after release. It’s a fantasy game, yes, but pets training no stop...
  3. Mazarope

    PC Shutting Down after second game Launch

    Dear Mortal Online II Community, I need your help. I Bought the game, installed and played for 2 hours without problems. Its a great game. After so much fun, I went to sleep. When I waked up to play again, after starting the game, the opening video starts, starvault logo shows, and my PC...