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  1. Ghanburi

    The contradiction and the no-win situation of the "PvP enjoyer/whiner"

    I have noticed something specific to a certain group of players, the PvP enjoyer/whiner: they complain about zergs, but when you suggest an arena idea to them, they bristle saying it is not as good as world PvP. Logically, however, it would seem you can't have both in an MMORPG at the same...
  2. Ghanburi

    Something I've noticed regarding the most competitive players who stream

    Do you think, perhaps, SV is aware of such things and that it just takes them a long time to address them due to limited resources? That also, perhaps, they have other priorities? That maybe they are not just being lazy, ignorant or incompetent? Of course, you can play the game for whatever...
  3. Ghanburi

    Something I've noticed regarding the most competitive players who stream

    Did I say they were disinterested? If so, that was a mistake. What I meant to say, and thought I did say, was that some of them were hating on the project from the beginning. By "beginning" I should have been more clear and said the beginning of my involvement, which was around beta.
  4. Ghanburi

    Something I've noticed regarding the most competitive players who stream

    Ah, this explains a lot. I really don't think you and I speak the same language--keep on hating, I guess. I am sure it will fix everything you dislike about MO2, just like you fixed SW 😏 As an aside, have you seen The South Park episode, The Panderverse? Yeah... it is probably a warning sign...
  5. Ghanburi

    Something I've noticed regarding the most competitive players who stream

    I do think it holds up to a certain extent, because there are folks still complaining about Star Wars, and those who have built whole somewhat popular media presences largely on the back of those complaints. Dissatisfaction can build momentum, and it is self-reinforcing--meaning that if you...
  6. Ghanburi

    Something I've noticed regarding the most competitive players who stream

    Regarding the Oghmir... the thing that people do not ever seem to recognize about this clade is its item dependence, including dependence on consumables. Ogs are meta in groups primarily in the hands of people who have access to good heavy armor, tower shields, pipes, food, and potions. When...
  7. Ghanburi

    Something I've noticed regarding the most competitive players who stream

    Does it? You know, I used to like Star Wars movies, but now I don't. They've changed, and not for the better IMO. However, I didn't hang out at the movie theater when they premiered complaining about them, and I am certainly not there now doing so long after they released. That you do not...
  8. Ghanburi

    Something I've noticed regarding the most competitive players who stream

    Whilst I find it somewhat ironic (and comical) that power gamers ask for nerfs on builds they do not play, what is perhaps more perplexing are the doomsayers who nip at the heels of MO2, seemingly for no other purpose than pure spite. There are other games, even other hobbies... Truly, vast...
  9. Ghanburi

    Something I've noticed regarding the most competitive players who stream

    It seems to me that, according to serious melee fighter types, anything that isn't melee fighting, be it pets or magic, is almost by default overpowered. Having spent a great deal of time watching streamers who focus on melee, this is a common sentiment. Further, most really sweaty players, who...
  10. Ghanburi

    Roadmap Features Ranked by Category

    There are a couple of things, not on the list, that I would add as well: 1. Remove/modify "legacy" items in the game. There is no good reason those are left in the way they are. Further, when highly competitive guilds (i.e., sweaty) recognize an item as overpowered, they stockpile it, knowing...
  11. Ghanburi

    Roadmap Features Ranked by Category

    Gotcha, sounds like problems with implementation. Nobody wants broken stuff added to the game, but I would like to think that SV learned a lesson or two about this system, and it would be improved. However, better not in at all than added horribly broken.
  12. Ghanburi

    Roadmap Features Ranked by Category

    You don't like weapon skills, or is the problem with adrenaline portion of the system? In theory, adding a special ability by weapon type would add variety to melee combat, and situational reasons for taking specific weapons. Adrenaline was listed as part of that system, hence its inclusion.
  13. Ghanburi

    Roadmap Features Ranked by Category

    Below is my “Roadmap Features Ranked by Category” list. TL;DR included at the end. Each feature is given a ranking of high, medium, or low priority. Special thanks to Wolfsziet for pulling these out and listing them in his video here: What follows is my attempt to lend support to features...
  14. Ghanburi

    Public Opinion at Record Low

    Critical? By all means, be critical, and constructively so. However, you'd think if you had come to the conclusion you apparently have, that you'd write a bad review and move on with your life. I mean, I can't imagine playing a game that I thought was as horrible as you describe, let alone...
  15. Ghanburi

    Public Opinion at Record Low

    Sadly, in this very thread (not in your post, previous in the thread unless the mods have removed it), threats to SV are implied (at least). Whilst we should not underestimate the passion and the determination of SV, it is my opinion that the biggest problem has been the tolerance that SV has...
  16. Ghanburi

    Public Opinion at Record Low

    There is some truth in what you say. However, I would offer that a lot of "regular" gamers play still, and though they may be fans of PvP sandbox and even be very competitive, they are not toxic. And, moving forward, SV has made efforts to change at least the introductory part of the game to...
  17. Ghanburi

    Ghanburi's Horses

    Ghanburi's Shadow: Part 3, Ghanburi Rides Again Ghanburi spurred Oldburi on, and hastily did his stead’s venerable hooves churn the dark jungle peat. The little man of the wild looked wild indeed as he perched atop his horse, long beard and hair wiping frantically in the wind. Trees seemed to...
  18. Ghanburi

    In the theoretical situation in which the unlikely event of cheating and exploiting occurs in MO2...

    In the hypothetical situation in which unnamed, assuredly nonexistent, players make the unlikely choice to exploit or cheat in Mortal Online 2, please permanently ban them. Theoretically, there are potentially groups of players in your game who might habitually cheat/exploit with no fear of...
  19. Ghanburi

    Put picks and axes back in Haven

    I understand that there was an exploit, but leaving the starting area without basic equipment is disruptive. It has been a few days now--please fix this. Thanks!
  20. Ghanburi

    Ghanburi's Horses

    Ghanburi's Shadow: Part 2 The sun was just setting as Ghanburi made his way north past the horse meadow, and then west through the dense jungle. This time, he brought no torch, because he knew what he sought could only be found in darkness. A few minutes later, he came upon his...