Search results

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    Decrease stamina cost and increase damage for melee weapons.

    Free armor weight before mana penalty changed from 2kg to 4kg. Slightly increased damage on spurt, outburst and lightning spells. Max concentration skill now gives a total of 60% chance to avoid spells getting interrupted. Delete your footfighters
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    The Problem with Mounted Combat, and How to Improve It.

    the issue is that MC is so much weaker than MA or MM. Starvault needs to give MC something because right now youre trolling your team by playing MC
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    Problems of HUMANs beings and not only

    I think it would be sick if you could wear steel armor and still regen mana on a human
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    Mount Fall Damage

    Mounts take a lot less fall damage, but players take a lot more fall damage it's like worse than real life
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    Remove/Reduce Blunt damage from 2H Swords

    dont play a puny elf and you wont get hit through parry
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    Too much body positive

    This is what their characters are supposed to look like, as you can see they completely ruined them with the body morph system
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    Aesthetics poll: Old thursars vs new thursars

    I personally don't like the look on the new thursars, specifically the brown poop spots all over their skin and I find the mo1 thursars much cooler and I'd love to know what you think! Please vote ^^ Old thursar: New thursar: The 2 main differences I notice are: skin colour and the shape of...
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    Increase appeal to larger audience

    Vials are an exception to that
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    Group Fighting with Spears Pretty OP

    Spears(and shield) and 2h swords are both S tier for teamfights imo. Using any other weapon is borderline trolling (with a few exceptions)
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    Respawn Wars

    Or post the ones where you're not terribly outnumbered from yesterday or the day before. Feel like we had many fair fights so it's sad to see the bad fights posted on your youtube
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    Respawn Wars

    It's pvp in the risar dungeon all these city priest fights are the same
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    Respawn Wars

    Post the risar dungeon fight
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    Bug Pics

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    Main way of increasing stats?

    Let us spend all our attribute points in character creation, the attribute grind provides literally no value to the game
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    Characters are too "Chunky" - Poll

    Proportions are bugged btw, the "chunk" is not intended
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    Seiging in MO2

    I'd like to see ruins of old buildings
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    Material Storage

    Can someone give me a good argument for having the current bank slots system instead of just a weight limit and unlimited slots
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    May freezes and fps breaks in area of MK keep and MK river

    yeah it's like a freeze every second step you take in that one area with all the allium
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    [Suggestion] Add a kick or nerf parry

    Or u know.. remove the stamina penalty for swinging 1 handers if you don't have a shield equipped. 2 handed weapons cost 35% less stamina to use and I don't see why we couldn't apply that logic to 1 handers without shields