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  1. U

    Removing spinning cause 1 month streamers cant read attacks

    Controls and keybinds are total trash. Fix that first. Then add more directionals and special moves. Then you can put on a turn cap. It's ez.
  2. U

    are stored items character bound or account bound?

    I mean, what exactly is the difference between this and just asking a friend to hold your stuff in their inventory while you make a new character? Or trading with yourself on a second account? Or putting your stuff in your own personal guild bank? It's just a QoL feature, and a pretty sensible...
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    Marching, A Solution to "Everyone will just play mounted the map is too big"

    Why not just use wagons instead? Give them like 12 seats each. You can transport a full war party with 2-3 wagons, problem solved. Ships will also be very good for that. As for mounted combat, I think it should be more difficult to skill into. Make it so a mounted warrior is basically useless...