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  1. R

    WTS molarium stack in MK.

    according to last patch molarium it's better than steel. hurry up boys
  2. R

    WTB ironbone lore

    wtb to buy ironbone lore book, not willing to travel to jungle camp to buy it. My offer is 7g coin on delivery in MK.
  3. R

    Mortal Online 3

    Considering the drop of players and interest, combined with an inability to learn from previous mistakes (mo1) and adopt good solutions, i think is time for a new game to come out. It's time to speak about Mortal online 3.
  4. R

    build guide?

    yello people. is there any updated and good build guide you would like to share? I'm going to make a mistake. It's done, i want to subscribe and start play again (i know i dont give a shit). but, here i have a big but, i never played mo2. last time i played mo1 was like 3/4 years ago...
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    mounted combat requirements

    yello people. as a guy who don't have played MO2 yet, but has spent hundreds of hours in mo1, i would love to get enlighted by some of you on MC. In mo there was a time where mauls where able to drain almost all your stamina with one swing but you were also able to instakill 1 enemy with one...
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    Still broken?

    about queue times, bugs and more in general problems of any kind. how far are we from a good decent honest product?
  7. R

    cloud gaming & MO2

    Long story short: more or less 1 year ago i thought: "i might buy an high end pc gaming". covid, bitcoin, lack of silicon for microchips, now the cargo ship that is blocking the suez canal for the next weeks (yes thats what the pundits said it could happen), zombie apocalipse, ww3. For this...