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  1. MK Player

    Lightning ecumenical skill correction.

    Hello, I would like to talk to you about the Lightning ability, it is completely out of use because it has a range and cast time very similar to thunderslash and causes less damage, I would like to suggest that you improve its range or reduce its cast time, so that he has some fans in the game...
  2. MK Player


    Hello friends of the forum, I'm here because I would like to give a suggestion about mechanics for the game that could be a lot of fun... Arrow craft with special effects(They are all crafted at the bow crafting bench). Fire Arrow= (craft 100BroadheadArrow+100Coal = 100 Fire Arrow). Causes a...
  3. MK Player

    Bear Armor released?

    Will bear armor be released in sprint 1?
  4. MK Player

    New Flux Farm problem...

    I would like to give feedback on a problem that has been discouraging many players, the new spirit farm and flux system is not practical for us in the Americas due to ping and dcinc! you removed the possibility of dropping the flux of low-level spirits, which were the only ones we could do...