Recent content by soulpcbr

  1. soulpcbr

    Considerations about the new update.

    Considerations about the new update. The update was very good, I'm always impressed by your ability to do good things. - The new dungeon is very good, having dark rooms allows solo players to stay alive inside it. Having 3 difficulty levels for mobs is also very interesting. I believe that it...
  2. soulpcbr

    Make the game's PVE more fun.

    Make the game's PVE more fun. Currently, to do a dungeon you need to fit into one of the three groups below: - Go zerg with 30+ players as Odinseed or Karnimata. - Be one of the best pvp players in the game and have the best equipment like nightfall and levia players. - Have less than 1 month...
  3. soulpcbr


    AUW SURGE and CRAWLING HANDS bug: 01 The spell AUW SURGE is going through house walls and it shouldn't work like that. 02 The spell CRAWLING HANDS is able to pull bags through house walls and it shouldn't have that possibility.
  4. soulpcbr

    Corrections, improvements and suggestions post patch 2024-02

    Additional suggestion: - Make the closing of a house door to be instantaneous but the opening must be loaded. This is reality, to close a door you just need to slam it, but to open it you have to turn the handle.
  5. soulpcbr

    Corrections, improvements and suggestions post patch 2024-02

    Necessary corrections: - Fix bug that turns you gray if you hit a house even with criminal actions disabled. - Fix bug that allows the use of a spell to remove a bad from inside a house. - Fix bug where the Risar Archer does not count in the Risar Soldier task, it should work as the bandit's...
  6. soulpcbr

    Small improvements for the next patch.

    Improvements - Add an icon showing what speed the horse is at under its health. - Add a bandage cooldown timer under the heath after using the bandage. - Add a timer icon below health showing how long you have to attack after parrying. - Add a usage counter to the equery showing how many...
  7. soulpcbr

    Another implementation to help new players continue playing.

    Heaven is very good, but some players after leaving Heaven still need a little more time to get used to the dangers of MO2 in its full form. My suggestion is that when leaving Heaven, new players gain a New Players status, where their names will be light blue and whoever kills them will receive...
  8. soulpcbr

    Add house transfer contracts that can be withdrawn from the bank to sell houses. [EZ]

    The buyer turns the money into a check that cannot be lost upon death and transfers it to the seller of the house when the house is transferred and the check can be cashed at the bank where it was made. This resource will boost the game's construction and brokerage sectors, which are currently...
  9. soulpcbr

    List of things that should be prioritized by developers. Everyone can contribute to the list by adding a comment.

    I believe that two more corrections are very important too: - Fix lack of audio synchronization. Sometimes the audio arrives long after the event. - Fix audio positioning problem. On some occasions you hear rain and if you take a step you stop hearing it immediately. - Fix very loud rain sound...
  10. soulpcbr

    Murder Count Should be Capped

    One day the bill will arrive for us to pay. Justice be done.
  11. soulpcbr

    [BEBFT-001] 5 small bugs to be easily fixed for the next patch

    BEBFT-001: Barbarians easy bug fix tasks level 1. 01 - [bank] When you split an item from the bank to your bag for the second time, this item is not split and is moved completely to your bag. 02 - [bank] You can move some items like steel and other materials directly from a bag inside the bank...
  12. soulpcbr

    Risar are broken after bow patch.

    Yes, they are bugged, when you get close they run and often when running they themselves lose aggro and reset themselves. I think that before making a change live, it should spend at least 7 days on the test server. This would definitely avoid this type of situation. You don't have to rush to...
  13. soulpcbr

    Pve quality and pet combat balancing. Resolution for pet exploit. [POLL]

    Attention: This issue has already been discussed with Henrik and he said that it really needs to be worked on. Increase the attack loading of pets and wild animals to between 750 and 1000 milliseconds as players with more than 100ms of ping can currently only see the direction of the attack...