The Brotherhood Without Banners Stance


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
we have The dark Order, the Dark legión and the brotherhood without Banners.
Are there options that these groups can align themselves in a faction?

Handsome Young Man

Well-known member
Jun 13, 2020
Just a general update / clarification.

The Brotherhood Without Banners is an idea rather than a 'set in stone' guild, but that's what we'll represent it as. It is a group of people who came from other games or guilds, wanting like minded, competitive individuals.

The name of the guild will be different in-game, our tag will not be BWB.

So if you expect to see BWB running around in-game that is not how you'll find us. But we'll do our best to show it is in-fact us playing when persistence hits. When we grief and kill you.

Our planned location of Kranesh is also up for debate, but currently that has also not changed. This will depend on the regions and their layouts from mobs to materials.

We're not looking for alliances still, and that is pretty concrete. As I've gotten requests.

Also it should be stressed, if you're looking to apply; please meet the criteria. I've received several applications and only one met what we wanted, but was denied due to group cohesion & personality clashing.


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Well-known member
Oct 14, 2020
Just a general update / clarification.

The Brotherhood Without Banners is an idea rather than a 'set in stone' guild, but that's what we'll represent it as. It is a group of people who came from other games or guilds, wanting like minded, competitive individuals.

The name of the guild will be different in-game, our tag will not be BWB.

So if you expect to see BWB running around in-game that is not how you'll find us. But we'll do our best to show it is in-fact us playing when persistence hits. When we grief and kill you.

Our planned location of Kranesh is also up for debate, but currently that has also not changed. This will depend on the regions and their layouts from mobs to materials.

We're not looking for alliances still, and that is pretty concrete. As I've gotten requests.

Also it should be stressed, if you're looking to apply; please meet the criteria. I've received several applications and only one met what we wanted, but was denied due to group cohesion & personality clashing.




I’ll sum it up.

1. Griefer rats are the only thing we’re good for.
2. If in your application you don’t mention zerging someone or being a griefer kid you wont be accepted.
3. We can’t make a single decision, about anything.
4. BWB won’t be our guildtag I’m sorry but I have smoll brain and can’t think of literally anything else.
5. I made this post because nobody will talk to me in discord

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Well-known member
May 28, 2020

I’ll sum it up.

1. Griefer rats are the only thing we’re good for.
2. If in your application you don’t mention zerging someone or being a griefer kid you wont be accepted.
3. We can’t make a single decision, about anything.
4. BWB won’t be our guildtag I’m sorry but I have smoll brain and can’t think of literally anything else.
5. I made this post because nobody will talk to me in discord

Abit harsh, dont make them quit before persistent. Ruins the fun :LOL:
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Handsome Young Man

Well-known member
Jun 13, 2020

I’ll sum it up.

1. Griefer rats are the only thing we’re good for.
2. If in your application you don’t mention zerging someone or being a griefer kid you wont be accepted.
3. We can’t make a single decision, about anything.
4. BWB won’t be our guildtag I’m sorry but I have smoll brain and can’t think of literally anything else.
5. I made this post because nobody will talk to me in discord


1. I own you.
2. I own you.
3. I own you.
4. I own you.
5. I own you.

My name is Putzin and I have a soft brain because so much water is inside of it.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
I'm trying to get him to actually care about his guild, looks neglected as hell at this point.
Yeah well, those following him can blame themselves then.
I mean we all know what's going to happen on persistence. We're gonna' own.
I know many who claimed the same pre MO release. We will see on the battlefield!
Remember actions are louder than words.
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Handsome Young Man

Well-known member
Jun 13, 2020
Yeah well, those following him can blame themselves then.

I know many who claimed the same pre MO release. We will see on the battlefield!
Remember actions are loader than words.

Funny thing is, no one 'follows' me. Because the people I play with, play as a collective. A real group. Differing power to one single person or a 'collective' is stupid, I think everyone has a say and should be able to give an opinion or some sway on what we choose to do.

And yeah, fair enough. Actions are LOADER (louder) than words. At least you're a good sport about it unlike this ZEAL guy who is copying the original ZEAL from MO1.


Well-known member
Oct 14, 2020
Funny thing is, no one 'follows' me. Because the people I play with, play as a collective. A real group. Differing power to one single person or a 'collective' is stupid, I think everyone has a say and should be able to give an opinion or some sway on what we choose to do.

And yeah, fair enough. Actions are LOADER (louder) than words. At least you're a good sport about it unlike this ZEAL guy who is copying the original ZEAL from MO1.

There's no copying going on nothing about our guilds description, values or plans align with anything they did. Which wasn't much.

They could easily make another guild with a new name but they'd rather copy our tag for MO2.

Handsome Young Man

Well-known member
Jun 13, 2020
There's no copying going on nothing about our guilds description, values or plans align with anything they did. Which wasn't much.

They could easily make another guild with a new name but they'd rather copy our tag for MO2.

Imagine being unoriginal copy cats of a guild who will always have way more history than you no matter how much you play MO2.


Oct 3, 2020
I'm trying to get him to actually care about his guild, looks neglected as hell at this point.

Implying tender love and care does anything to benefit a guild where the content available is centered around one building with a materials vendor and crafting tables.

What is there to accomplish as a guild right now? Only point to recruiting at the moment is to try and see if anyone is interested conceptually in a group.

Handsome Young Man

Well-known member
Jun 13, 2020
Implying tender love and care does anything to benefit a guild where the content available is centered around one building with a materials vendor and crafting tables.

What is there to accomplish as a guild right now? Only point to recruiting at the moment is to try and see if anyone is interested conceptually in a group.

Putzin is just trying to appear hard like Viknuss even though everyone knows both of these guilds just mass recruit and sit in their discords going "oh bro we're gonna be the best guild we have the best players and we have tons of members we will own!!" when 95% of their group is new players and the 5% is players who played MO1 but can't group fight to save their lives or need mounts to feel like they have an impact even though the only thing they're going to impact is the ground and turning into a loot bag.

But yeah, this is basically true. I love how a lot of you are ramping up the recruitment to the point you just let anyone join in hopes you'll be some kind of 'force' to reckon with. A lot of the people I play with don't even sit on the game like most of you do and we can log on with 3-4 people and just massacre, you literally have to coordinate to get people online to even deal with us.

Oh how the egos will shatter like glass.