Remove Worn Short Sword (add a replacement system)

Remove worn short swords

  • Yes and add the rusty weapon system

    Votes: 13 41.9%
  • Yes but no new system

    Votes: 7 22.6%
  • No

    Votes: 10 32.3%
  • results

    Votes: 1 3.2%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
May 16, 2021
Please the alternative system before voting read the alternative system I suggest.

The worn short sword has many nicknames which includes the following. The grief sword.
as a example this reddit post from a newer player who was being griefed by people naked ressing on the stronghold preist to kill afks, pets, or people crafting.
This weapon allows any naked player to be a legitimize threat to players as soon as the resurrect off a priest. I have seen one extreamly good player ress on a priest and 1v3 steel geared players.

This weapon also forces players to have to spawn camp naked players because they could always be that threat you let go but end up killing your horse at the camp or harassing some one trying to use a appliance at the camps. This creates a very unfun environment for new players of them constantly getting preist camp because the campers can not afford to take the chance.

A naked player with a worn short sword has no real consequence. Lets say you had to end up going grey on a player because he was about to gank you. Now if you are near a priest that player can infinity respawn and attack you with out going grey forcing you to kill them and give you more murder counts for almost not cost to them.

Some players have their build built around the worn short swords which they have dozens of traded to them. A huge thursar with high damage bonus and syganthrope doing 50s with a worn short sword. The worn short sword its self is way too strong if you have sword skill for being a weapon you will always have right after dying.

Alternative system

The rusty weapon system. If you remove the worn short sword which many new players deleted or lost already then you will have new players with a very annoying regearing experience. A lot of us probably have experienced having to punch down a pig, but being too tall to hit the pig. Running around trying to find a pig next to a hole so you could punch the pig to gear gear.

The rusty weapons should be at least half the damage of the current worn shorties to balance out the game.

My worn short sword replacement idea would be a free rusty weapon of your choice from any blue town weapon vendor. This weapon will function similarly to the parcel/bandit contract to where its soulbound and deletes after you die. This way you have very little consequence if you are a player that spawns at towns. If you are respawning else where in the world like a strong hold then you would have the infrastructure to regear out of the stronghold or a nearby house.

This would still allow new players a way to still restart but with a weapon of their choice so they can skill off of it. While also helping out all those new players that made the mistake of deleting the most powerfull tool in the game the worn shorty. Many new players I fight that are naked dont even have their worn shorty anymore, which would probably be very unfun when they try to unnetworth them selves at towns.

These changes will vastly reduce the amount of griefing in game while helping new players who made mistake be deleting the worn short sword and dont want to be a sword player.

Albanjo Dravae

Well-known member
Dec 20, 2021
I like it but i'd replace shortwords with a basic wilderness crafting mechanic. Gathering certain materials could give the possibility to craft a shitty weapon, perhaps under the idea of a wilderness restart.
Not intended for a griefing tool but intended as a basic survival tool.

I thought about this in terms of taking some pressure off towns opening a windows for wilderness resets. Opening the playfield for more than just dead travelling time to houses or towns.
And to be honest, there should be even more wilderness crafteables, such as primitive horsebags, campfires and other basic survival tools.

I understand the bound shorty is a strong griefing tool and by removing it something better should be placed instead, not intended as a griefing tool but as a surviving one thats preferibly involved in a pve rather than pvp scene.

Also, didn't vote cuz theres no option for another system. Rusty sword is not bad and it would serve it's purpose but i rather see something pve related placed instead, just to encourage other playfields.
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Well-known member
Sep 30, 2020
Voted yes but rusty sword doesnt need to be weaker than current worn short. Compared to even bone, worn shortsword completely sucks. Bad damage and slower. No reason to make that worse. Will just make it harder for nubs to farm walkers and stuff. And player who wants to grief can effortlessly fit all the skills to kill a pig and turn it into emalj weapons, which are way better, as long as they are at town. Which is also the only place to get a free rusty sword.

An issue with this is spawning in the wild you have nothing. As a red I spawn in the middle of nowhere and run back. When I was in bakti this meant trying to not die to wolves on my way back. Having 0 weapon would suck.

A reason worn short was less op in MO1 was you spawned at a priest with no hp. They could make you spawn at red priests with no hp. Then you can just get clapped before you can do anything. and at least have to waste ur time healing every time. Make the grief attempts less worth it. This doesnt stop blues from giving MC and standing loss. But that could easily be fixed with lawless zones or them staying local grey to anyone they attacked so that they can be spawn killed.


Active member
May 28, 2020
An issue with this is spawning in the wild you have nothing. As a red I spawn in the middle of nowhere
Maybe they can have 'dev placed' red priest carry rusty weapons. or an accompanying ruffian/servant/sinner/wretch npc with a surly attitude and alot of extra weapons he pulled of corpses.

edit: Just thought... This may lead to red priest fight clubs.
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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2021
Soulbound worn short sword should never be a thing outside of Haven. Its a full loot game. People should never respawn with an unlootable sword, or any weapon.
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Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
Some players have their build built around the worn short swords which they have dozens of traded to them. A huge thursar with high damage bonus and syganthrope doing 50s with a worn short sword. The worn short sword its self is way too strong if you have sword skill for being a weapon you will always have right after dying.

Alternative system

The rusty weapon system. If you remove the worn short sword which many new players deleted or lost already then you will have new players with a very annoying regearing experience. A lot of us probably have experienced having to punch down a pig, but being too tall to hit the pig. Running around trying to find a pig next to a hole so you could punch the pig to gear gear.

The rusty weapons should be at least half the damage of the current worn shorties to balance out the game.

My worn short sword replacement idea would be a free rusty weapon of your choice from any blue town weapon vendor. This weapon will function similarly to the parcel/bandit contract to where its soulbound and deletes after you die. This way you have very little consequence if you are a player that spawns at towns. If you are respawning else where in the world like a strong hold then you would have the infrastructure to regear out of the stronghold or a nearby house.

This would still allow new players a way to still restart but with a weapon of their choice so they can skill off of it. While also helping out all those new players that made the mistake of deleting the most powerfull tool in the game the worn shorty. Many new players I fight that are naked dont even have their worn shorty anymore, which would probably be very unfun when they try to unnetworth them selves at towns.

These changes will vastly reduce the amount of griefing in game while helping new players who made mistake be deleting the worn short sword and dont want to be a sword player.

Soul bound wep, heh, and yea I mean the real thing they have to do is put an NPC that hands you a sword. I mean fakn 10s or w/e. 8s? 15s? It should be the wep of your choice, too!

Like in old MO you pick your skill and you get a lil wep. But yea once I saw people listing WSS on broker I was like - mind connects dots!! - still soul bound?! There was obv no dura in MO1, so yea shortie is da grief. Not as much grief as you can put on people w/ a flake wep or whatever... which to a vet is just as disposable. So, it's not as much an issue of griefing as much as it is having it on hand anywhere.

I do think something needs to be done about it. Imagine us poor people who don't have sword specced! But I still remember people talking about go out and punch some pigs and it's like lol.. na.

I dunno if making the wep worse will help per se. It'll just require more coordinated grief. But yea ressing naked and taking out geared players lool. SKILL BASED GAMING?!? Parry needs to balance off of armor level and that'll take that right out. In MO1 yea pets were bbq to soul bound weps, and that was LIFE.


Active member
Apr 5, 2021
without the sword, he will still punch the horses to death ...
1) Horses should kick you in the face when you hit them ... and horse shoes hurts a lot!
2) npc / pets should remember aggressors for a while, so he would be kicked immediately after a rez, without the possibility to hit the horse again.
3) priests you pay should take orders from you ... add ban list to owned priests!


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
without the sword, he will still punch the horses to death ...
1) Horses should kick you in the face when you hit them ... and horse shoes hurts a lot!
2) npc / pets should remember aggressors for a while, so he would be kicked immediately after a rez, without the possibility to hit the horse again.
3) priests you pay should take orders from you ... add ban list to owned priests!

They had black lists in MO1, but that was mainly a cause for war. People black listed and someone got sieged, people were waiting for someone to throw down a black list on the most toxic person so they can be like NO BLACK LISTING and absolutely demolish whatever dude listed him until he got unlisted or they lost their keep. Real shit haha.

I don't think anyone is gonna punch my horse to death. I'd take that bet. I'm not the kinda person who leaves my horse haha. If dude punches my horse, I have high confidence that I can just get on and leave if protecting the horse is all I want to do.


Active member
Apr 5, 2021
I don't think anyone is gonna punch my horse to death. I'd take that bet. I'm not the kinda person who leaves my horse haha. If dude punches my horse, I have high confidence that I can just get on and leave if protecting the horse is all I want to do.
a brawler build still does 20 dmg to naked, and you hit faster than a sword and can't handle hit.
if the guy just want to grief enemies, than he will.


Well-known member
May 16, 2021
a brawler build still does 20 dmg to naked, and you hit faster than a sword and can't handle hit.
if the guy just want to grief enemies, than he will.
Worn shorties do 20-40s against armor. a naked who puts a 100 points into a useless skill and can not block with out a weapon is not a threat.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2020
I like it but i'd replace shortwords with a basic wilderness crafting mechanic. Gathering certain materials could give the possibility to craft a shitty weapon, perhaps under the idea of a wilderness restart.
Not intended for a griefing tool but intended as a basic survival tool.

1/3 the base damage. x3 damage in PVE (Not including tamed pets)

Would be a good system.

Honestly, if newbs need starter weapons a vendor weapon is 2 minutes of flower picking away. Worn shorties are entirely unneeded and somewhat bad for the economy. Newbs should be learning they have to earn their gear ASAP instead of handed a crutch that takes FOREVER to break.


Active member
Apr 5, 2021
Worn shorties do 20-40s against armor. a naked who puts a 100 points into a useless skill and can not block with out a weapon is not a threat.
do you understand that the topic is : a guy rezing over and over and over and over and over and over again, to kill horses in a T3 house?
who cares if it takes double time to kill the horse? it's free griefing.
about the primaries ... man you don't have to do that for months ... and it's nothing to read a book and go to sleep to revert back ...
if the guy doesn't even use a second account ...

Albanjo Dravae

Well-known member
Dec 20, 2021
1/3 the base damage. x3 damage in PVE (Not including tamed pets)

Would be a good system.

Honestly, if newbs need starter weapons a vendor weapon is 2 minutes of flower picking away. Worn shorties are entirely unneeded and somewhat bad for the economy. Newbs should be learning they have to earn their gear ASAP instead of handed a crutch that takes FOREVER to break.

Yeah i ment something pve directed, not griefing tools. Having some degree of hand crafted mechanics for the wilderness intended as a pve reset could be an interesting window for starting over in new áreas.
I imagine a wooden club as a basic pve weapon that could even do 1dmg to people as a tool to kill some mobs for leather and be able to craft primitive horsebags, that can carry an (x) amount of shit. Suddently giving another possible scene to get a very basic startover kit, ment to tame a horse, put a bag and kill some basic shitter mobs or gather stuff for money or materials to craft.

Still, precarious horsebags, something that wouldn't be better or more durable than actual horsebags.

I aknowledge you can just gather a few things and sell on the broker or vendors and buy a better weapon than the weapon you could craft right away, i think wilderness crafting should be something like a pre-town space. Giving more value to the idea of resurrecting and being able to at least make a rudimentary weapon and horsebags which could be quality of life feature for a diversity of playstyles, and to be honest every single race should start with 25 secondary points in taming.

Just a thought, wilderness needs more relevant features to give players the actual space to do shit outside towns. Wilderness crafting could be a minor quality of life feature to generate another environment for specific scenarios.
I'd like to see something like this instead of bound shortwords but reallistically i don't think they Will ever take some pressure off towns and TC to distribute in the wilderness, the whole pve design is binary to say the least.


Well-known member
May 16, 2021
do you understand that the topic is : a guy rezing over and over and over and over and over and over again, to kill horses in a T3 house?
who cares if it takes double time to kill the horse? it's free griefing.
about the primaries ... man you don't have to do that for months ... and it's nothing to read a book and go to sleep to revert back ...
if the guy doesn't even use a second account ...
cant block you so you can easily kill him.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2020
Unarmed is definitely less effective than worn short. But let's go with your argument and say yeah, unarmed isn't THAT much worse. So that shifts the question to, how much good does the worn shortsword do the game?

I'm going to propose to you an alternative scenario. Multiple alternative mechanics have been suggested here and some of them seem like decent ideas. But I'm going to go with the simplest solution. Drop worn shorties from the game entirely and have players in Haven start with a few silver pieces so they can buy a vendor weapon.

Worn Shortsword: Favors sword wielders.
Coin Solution: Fair to all weapon types.

Worn Shortsword: Creates a false sense of permanence. Discourages taking risks.
Coin Solution: Introduces newbs to loss with an item that is exceptionally easy to replace.

Worn Shortsword: Respawns with players who just died, allowing abuse of respawns. Favors melee builds, particularly those with 100 swords.
Coin Solution: Requires players to take 10s to a vendor to rearm. Similar difficulty to regear as any other build that doesn't involve pets.

Simply removing them from the game, giving newbs a few coins, and maybe restructuring the tutorial a tiny bit to account for that is all that is needed to create a superior mechanic than having them exist. So even if it's not that effective of a nerf... what's the downside?
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Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
i've kicked the pve idea around and mentioned it, but do we really want a pvp/pve skew in this game? I guess anything goes now, but I dunno. I mean be real you can't really farm w/ WSS other than pigs, either. You can farm GY but if you take the time even to buy a trash sword or a 2h cheapie even common your dps will go up soooo much. WSS isn't really carrying anyone, altho if I could parry better in pve (no idea what directions the animations correspond to), I could prol do w/e. Obv zombies but I mean I didn't really get a chance to learn how to parry sators etc like in MO1.

Also gotta disagree on the wilderness crafting. Dislike that! Life is Feudal find 2 sticks and some grass it's like NOO. I dunno, to be absolutely real, MO is focused on late game, but early game is very lacking! It always has been. They tried to add lame quests n even added tuto island. This is IMO an early game problem that should prol be looked into.

Deleted member 44

Again, the problem here, is the priest.
It's really not. The game only requires the blocking skill to mitigate most damage. A good player can flawless people with the worn short sword. Winning with no investment. It's the cheesiest zero to hero in any game.

I was in JC with just a worn short sword when this guy rolls in with a horse while in full reptile merc plate and a steel sword. I killed the guy and his horse while I was naked with a worn short sword. Now be euro, and be good at the game, you can never lose.


Jan 30, 2021
Just make is so that you can't take it out of heaven with you anymore. Problem solved!

It's very good to have such a weapon as a new player in heaven. Making less damage would make it useless, there is enough useless stuff in this game.
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