Suggestions for PVP and TC from a Vet of Mortal 1 and Mortal 2 Combat Alpha


New member
May 21, 2022
I hope a dev reads this or henrik and sees to these suggestions. A lot of these suggestions I think would be good additions, and would add more fun to pvp and gameplay aspects.

- Supply towers are like gang territories, it taxes territories inside of it's square on the map, it shows which guild controls the territory and maybe also have a local buff tied to any dungeon or camp in it's circle like clade, prom, or gold drop chance, no trinkets or rare shit. Maybe also you can't get MC'd or standing loss

- Supply towers defense from capturing drop off after a distance, maybe like a quarter of the map far before it is significant? If you are at koto keep, any supply tower capture past central steppes is bad defense value bonus. MAYBE strongholds and houses scale on different distance drop off?

- Show named supply towers on map and have them show if they are being attacked.

- Guilds can only build in the territory around its house/sh. If they own a keep, they can place anywhere in a circle up to their supply lines and a strong hold distance past the supply line.

- keeps have a small permanent territory around, like a supply tower size circle around it.

- Adrenaline system is 5% extra stam regen/reduction/less cost, and 5 more movement speed per player above 2 that hits you. It caps at 10 players. MAYBE add like a 0.5% dmg red/bonus too?

- Adrenaline system should count like this, the solo counts how many people he has as local grey, then the aggressors counts how many people they local grey. If the local grey is a ratio of 1:5, then he gets the buff scaling to the size. If the player counting to see if it has adrenaline has same number of guildies around him, then it contributes that to it aswell.

- If said player has not been attacked by a local grey player for longer than 10 seconds, then the buff is lowered in strength gradually, depleting entirely at 15 seconds

- damage threshhold for adrenaline is < 20

- Shield debuff should be depending on the weight, there is a blocking reset debuff, allowing for feinting to counter shield parrying.

- Full charge feinting, where if you full charge you can feint for full damage.

- Pets should require stam to attack and move fast.

- Pets lose loyalty or another value called moral everytime it gets hit or how low he gets, the more or less he gets hit the less he follows commands. The lower health he gets the less damage and speed it has and more chance it has to flee. Shields cause pets to equipment hit if a fighter blocks any direction, this is a good counter for melee fighters who have little to no way to counter pets. Ritual pets don't flee and have no moral counter. If a pet user dies, (Not risen) the said pet will go aggressive and attack everything if murdered by player or npc. Maybe goes wild too?

- For zerg fps, either: Add option to remove shadows and foliage, or add a fog of war system, where only people super close to you render in, nothing insane. This would work in the form of a dirt haze being thrown around, since in most realistic battles some sort of fog or dirt gets thrown when its large enough, limiting visibility. This works in super large battles, however for long distance spells like elementalisim it wouldnt be good. Maybe if you are at a position above most of the players, you are able to see everyone? Or the small pockets in which players are fighting in.

- Large zergs should leave a smoke or dust trail behind them when riding in large numbers, similar to the albion blob mechanic. The dust trail height and size scales to zerg numbers. If in a forest or jungle, birds go off when they move every certain distance. MAYBE also an audible distant sound, like horses riding, people marching, or fighting.

- Siege weapons going off and hitting should echo, buildings crumbling should also echo.

- Some bushes in the world should be bigger and thicker, for natural aspect and so players who are solo can hide in them, as well as if you move in them you are slowed.


- Devas system should have two characters where the second characters bank, stable, broker, player stats (Renown, standing, etc) and profession skill should be linked to the first character. Only race, clade, clade points, mail/veradari, inventory, and action skill points are different between characters.

- Nodelines should be more visible so players know where a server mesh happens. People can pin point it without visual notice but this allows for people to make decisions on where to pvp to avoid node issues.