Spell Leveling: change fumble chance to reduced damage/duration


New member
Aug 23, 2023
Make like first 10-20% have a fumble chance as it is now. After that brief fumble period scale the damage/duration of spells without a fumble chance.
This way mages could actually go use their spell schools to level them up instead of sitting in town/safespot macroing the abilities. It would also speed up the leveling process since you'll be succeeding more often.

random example:
Dust Burst
Skill range: 70-100

for the first couple of points 70-75 you keep the fumble as is. At 75 skill you'll no longer fumble but the spell will do 10% damage. As you level up from 75-100 the damage will increase linearly until you reach 100% damage at 100 skill level.


New member
Aug 23, 2023
maybe only apply to damaging spells since IDK there may be some cheesy stuff you could do with buffs if all they have is reduced duration.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
I dunno about the new cheese magikz but there's no real reason why you shouldn't have to read a book for like 2 hrs then cast the spell 10x to get 100, haha. These dudes are supposedly intelligent. If anything, moderate fizzle should be the only downside, like 5% total extra fizzle chance from bookread to max.

Think about it, you can read ecu book and be able to cast all sorts of spells without ever even trying them. You can talk to a trainer and cast spells just from hearing his voice. IT DOESN'T NEED TO BE THIS HARD. I could see some v v minor plus for maxing skills, combat skills in general, but being able to just CAST THE SPELL a few times if you already have knowledge of the school... should be enough to go out and use it. Let the try hard people sit in town and spam.

I know I was always running like 70-80 wep skills cuz I would always switch my wep around hue. It worked. MAKE MO FUN. GET PEOPLE OUT THERE IN THE WILD DOING THINGS.

Not feeling the 10% dmg thing. In MO you have to get the scroll and get knowledge of the school, that's the hard part, not spamming it 500x in town. Ble.