Open a second server in Texas


New member
Feb 2, 2022
Most of the playerbase is US players and this would greatly benefit south american and aussies as well.

Snasen does a really good deep dive explaining how ping differences interact with melee combat here

Personally I'm a west coast player and I have around 180 ping, with a vpn, when I play. That's about 150 milliseconds less to react to and parry a melee attack. For anyone that's even dabbled in fighting games, 150 milliseconds is a very large number and no amount of batching is going to fix that.

The playerbase is more then large enough to support 2 populated servers. Although I don't think this will ever happen since SV has been steadfast in losing potential non-EU players due to ping then open a 2nd official server for a majority of their playerbase, I still would like to appeal the concept. You only have to look at the comments on Snasen's video as well as the steam reviews to see how many players Henrik's vision of just one server in the EU has lost the game.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
lol. Just kinda luls cuz I Was in TX with mediocre internet, but it was deep S TX, and that has to be one of the worst places for pinging Sweden. I think I was over 200 before the move and not much under it after.

I am getting really frustrated with people not wanting to look at changing the effectiveness of parry instead of having these endless ping arguments. If you could just get SOME pressure dmg on people thru a parry, it would be enough. Then it wouldn't be all about doing ballet.