Concerns regarding Siege Post Epic Patch


New member
Mar 1, 2022
With the Path just under two weeks away. There is alot im excited for, looking forward how the new changes. Though many viewed as 'carebearing', I believe that the changes are necessary for a diverse and well rounded playerbase.
Not a strong PvPer myself, I still partake in one of the stronger PvP guilds with more mercantile/logistic/supply support. With it, comes hearing alot of feedback and concerns; particularly about the 10 MC (Murder Count)/Red-name system. I am personally indifferent to the change itself as I do not tend to assault every 'blueberry' I find. That said, looking forward with TC, i can't help but think of one MAJOR issue the changes will bring and how it will negatively affect TC (Territory Control) and larger scale sieging.

Though buildings will be more siege-able than before, i feel like many players will abuse the current 'WD' (War Declarations) mechanics to deter getting sieged by a larger/more threatening force. Say Guild A is Attacking Guild B for reasons you can imagine. Guild B does not believe they can win or just do not want to be sieged so they think of a way of getting back at Guild A. Guild B could simply denounce the WD and MC bomb Guild A. Thirty minutes after the denounce, just run at the attacking force, even naked, with the intention of simply MC bombing Guild A to the point where by the time the siege is done, more than half the attacking force will be Red-named. Guild A will demolish Guild B structures, but now must wait for their MCs to cooldown or risk getting attacked. Alternatively, Guild A may just cancel the attack itself because no one in a large organization will want to go Red. Guild A can redeclare, but then must wait the thirty minutes themselves, to which will only give them 30minutes of siege-able time before they denounce the WD again. I hope I made this easy enough to understand.

Some changes i would recommend is require a minimum time before a war declaration can be called off, maybe 6-8 hours. This gives the aggressor the time to attack without getting into a wallet fight with the other guild or getting MC Bombed. Perhaps pay an extra fee for denouce-immunity for X hours for the guilds already WD'ed.

What are yall's thoughts on this? I wasn't sure if people already talked about this possibility and wanted to raise awareness.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
A padded room.
As they have it now this will be an advantage for having your territory in the wild areas.

At least players in those areas will be able to defend with out being punished.

This is one reason I think it would be better to have all area away from npc towns be lawless.

Not only will the wild areas allow players to freely attack with out punishment, it also allows the same for defending.

It would basically remove alot of the 'cheese' that comes with the flagging system.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
Its gonna be like back in MO1. Everyone will have their red pvp killing outside of town, and their blue pve guy that banks all the loot in town.

yea I was gonna say this. The quote was "you don't really pvp if you've never gone red" and it was from NTC haha.

But I do think they need a siege system where if you dec a siege it's open pvp, cuz everyone needs to be able to get involved. A siege is a world altering event.

Enjoy doomsday tho. 11/28 is gonna get a lot of people rekttt.