A Few Suggestions/Feedback


Active member
Jan 14, 2021
I've rerolled many times. So far, I've tried all the weapon skills and magic. I have not tried attack pets.
I currently am playing a Botanist with 10 Str / 57 Con / 131 Dex / 100 int / 80 Psy - Smallest size, age 31.
Im not enjoying ecumenical magic at all and I feel the need to reroll into melee / bow to have fun. Being Beta, and all the pickables not being implemented yet, I also feel the need to abandon botany for weapon/armor crafting.

- All pickables shouldnt be available to everyone. It should take a few tries of staring at something to figure out what it is. When an herb is rare the layman isnt going to care about it. I suggest having the tiers of pickables at least needing the proper tool out to see the pop-up or making the highest tier pickables have a small pop-up range.

- Horses at lower levels should have less stamina drain. Especially if levels reflect age.

- Please add more weapons to defend oneself that uses only dex. Or, up the dex contribution to 1handers. A giant Thursar with a little sword would be ineffective and be more beneficial to a high dex character IMO

- One spell should be allowed in the mind, especially since magic so far is a poor means of defending oneself.

- Was going to say reward exploration moar by adding rare pickables around beautiful or interesting spots, but I did find some rare pickables in exactly that situation.
But I do want to emphasize how much flavor this adds to games.
I really hope you guys are putting very rare pickables on a random spawn timer, please. So we cant camp them.

- Option to lock skills before discovering them. Maybe a full on/off setting.

- Max Dex seems too weak, compared to the reasons for max con, str or int. I think more 1h contribution is the answer.

- I would like to see trees turn into a pile of logs, where the cutter can exhaust the node or leave it. I know you guys are working on something like this.

- Zoology needs to be simplified or expanded. Please make the primaries, secondary. Remove the butchering benefit from the secondary and make the in depth study of certain subsets more relevant with primaries.

- Please explain better how to submit a screenshot or a terrain bug. When I report the bug is there a GPS tag on me?

- Add dead animals nodes that I can butcher. Im an animal lover and cant kill springbok or wisent.

- No armor / low armor deserves horse teleport jump. Im 40 and out of shape and can irl horse teleport jump >.> western trick shot riders and the like can do it. Please dont punish my poor Botanist for not wearing armor.

- Glades points for crafting and maybe finding rare pickables.

General feedback

I dont know how hard you guys are working but I hope you arent working to death.

Im really disappointed that it seems the (no housing at EA) is moving forward. I really feel this is one spot you should take liberties with and give us at least an indestructible lean-to / tent / teepee, something. Minimal storage, shelter from heat and cold, increased cooking and spirit. Maybe 24 hour indestructible, then lootable / destroyable after that.
I really like the survival feel of this game. Its just not there without the shelter aspect. I wont run to a guild for shelter and I need to construct my own. If not, Im going to have difficulty choosing this game over another full on survival game.

Awesome so far. Havent had this much fun since I started playing Ark Survival for the first time. Definitely good motivation for me to upgrade my PC and porting to Unity 5 would be great. Sooner the better IMO :MOSkull: