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  1. P

    Open a second server in Texas

    Most of the playerbase is US players and this would greatly benefit south american and aussies as well. Snasen does a really good deep dive explaining how ping differences interact with melee combat here Personally I'm a west coast player and I have around 180 ping, with a vpn, when I play...
  2. P

    Mounted Archer is the strongest build in the game right?

    I'm not talking about "wars" which rarely happen and what almost nobody actually participates in. Open world pvp MA seems like the top dog and the power difference doesn't even seem close. It seems like you need a bow to kill a bow. Melee dies and magic dies. The power disparity is...
  3. P

    Why does the terror bird bleed interrupt spell casting?

    It's a fucking 2 damage bleed. A bleed. Every time it ticked my heal cast was interrupted and I have 95 concentration.