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  1. Riccardo

    Supply Towers - A Touch of Engagement

    As it stands now taking supply towers is completely a brain dead and horrible activity to engage in. I think a rework of this system should be taken more seriously if sieging is also to be taken seriously. As is stands now the mechanic is to stand there and hit a tower manually with hammers...
  2. Riccardo

    Offhand Weapon/Bow Weapon Slot - Please Add.

    I think this is pretty simple. Add the ability to equip the bow to the character via the off hand slot or create a bow slot. With the new slot enable scroll wheel weapon switching. Switching weapons in this game has remained absolutely horrible for so long. Why can this not be done as soon as...
  3. Riccardo

    New player guides (Build guides, Book locations, Skill req., Crafter guides etc)

    What ever happened to this guide? Does anyone have a working copy?
  4. Riccardo

    Twitch Stream June 9th 2022 Summary

    another koto knob licker
  5. Riccardo

    It's Been Fun But This Game Will Die Soon

    Calm your tits guys, lmao. I'm operating under the assumption that players will return with the major TC updates and sieging and then population would be healthy for later continent additions :cautious:
  6. Riccardo

    It's Been Fun But This Game Will Die Soon

    As long as this game can keep 500+ players active at any time I will be playing. I don't care so much about large player counts/base but I do care about the community of those playing and the politics that are created from the community. Of course I am eagerly awaiting the new content when it...
  7. Riccardo

    The obligatory f2p thread

    Why the focus on consequences? Because consequences are what makes the game fun and thrilling especially if it relates to danger. Why do people play DayZ? Tarkov? etc.? -- It's the thrill of possibly making it out big and alive or dealing with the crushing defeat that you have died. If those...
  8. Riccardo

    The obligatory f2p thread

    Because it would be exploited and it would kill the immersion if everyone had it available to them. The point of the travel as is it is to have consequences, things take time, and should take time. If this game was built on modern gaming standards of ADHD be where ever you want when you want...
  9. Riccardo

    The obligatory f2p thread

    I stopped reading at fast travel. You almost had a decent post but that one thing ruined it all.
  10. Riccardo

    Low pop and frustration.

    If you want PvP go to where there is PvE. Also stay away from Meduli unless you want to be completely bored and safe. PvP Zones: Spider Valley Jungle Camp Cave Camp Fabernum Tower and the subsequent valley to the south of it. Vadda Forest Bakti Road It's really not hard to find action here.
  11. Riccardo

    make map smaller

    what don't you get about this game? it is a sandbox, OPENWORLD game. it has to be big enough to support a few thousand players without bumping into people every five seconds. make the map smaller you will die more and lose the immersive feeling of this metaverse.
  12. Riccardo

    make map smaller

  13. Riccardo

    Archimbaud (sp?) of Odinseed - We are brothers in our death!

    Brother, Even though we are from rival guilds, you -- Odinseed & I -- Legion, we met under fortunate skies and had no ill will towards another. I welcomed you naked into my home, I gave you weapons and equipment to wear and swore to aid you in vengeance to kill your attacker that killed you...
  14. Riccardo

    How to alienate your PVP community

    Players should enforce the consequences. The old red priests should not have been moved in my opinion. If a player is killing people outside of town, this game is supposed to have a community to rally around and stop the player from killing people. Simply put, kill that player until they run...
  15. Riccardo

    Are you paying?

    I will be paying. This game even with some flaws and delays is still a game I enjoy playing. This is my first full loot pvp mmo game I have played and now I feel like I've missed so much in this genre. I don't know if I could go back to other MMORPGs after this one. I need it to continue to...
  16. Riccardo

    Reality of Nave

    Very good video. This is some top quality content right here and something that shows how different and unique the game is. I'm going to be keeping an eye on that channel for sure.
  17. Riccardo

    U like PvP?

    I hear stories of this all the time. Nekkids run around like this all the time trying to play 4D chess thinking they are unsuspecting. If I see nekkids, I also kill. Look at it this way, this game is the best proving case for universal weapon ownership for the purpose of self defense. If I...
  18. Riccardo

    For the love of god let us create second character without creating another steam account and buying the game again.

    I don't know how I feel about locking accounts to guilds. Some people might want secondary characters to be independent and neutral of guild influence. On the other hand if secondary characters could join guilds outside their primary or first guild you would see a lot of espionage happening...
  19. Riccardo

    UI Customization - How to?

    New player here and possible newb question. I see a lot of people online with custom UIs that have been moved out of the default configuration yet I can find no way to do this in the settings. Am I missing something? How can I move my UI around the screen?
  20. Riccardo

    For the love of god let us create second character without creating another steam account and buying the game again.

    New player here. Love the game thus far and I will say I'm not about to make a whole new account to have a alt character or try new builds. The one thing I WILL do though is pay a flat fee up to $40 for another character slot to have in my account. Alternatively, I would even pay say $10-15 a...