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  1. W

    What's up with all these bots posting advertisement lately?

    I mean what the fuck? Can you please introduce a harder captcha or something Star Vault? This gets out of hand
  2. W

    How to solve the MC Dilemma

    In every discussion about the Murder Count System the argument comes up that most MCs are unjustified and come from legitimate spontaneous group battles. One approach to solve it is the war declaration system, but that doesn't account for spontaneous conflicts. It seems to me that the solution...
  3. W

    Death of a game: Mortal Online

    Very interesting
  4. W

    This game will never scale and here is why

    Henrik in his recent Stream said, that they expected linear scalability and didn't expect these problems. But there is a mathematical reason, why it's impossible to scale MO2 or any other game linearly. In the old Forums I suggested 3 years ago to develop MO2 on Google's Stadia in order to...
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