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  1. Albanjo Dravae

    Penalty for crimes

    No More npcs to crouch. While i agree the law system needs to be reworked and i believe a whitness system could replace the current obsene mechanics. Nono, i rather have players figuring out the dangers of wilderness conflict rather than dumbing down the experience saying -> this dude Is a...
  2. Albanjo Dravae

    Another (The Newest!) Rage Against the Flag System Thread:

    I don't understand your suggestion, you plan to diminish MCs effect with a flag that makes a open pvp area of effect that (as you suggested) keep owning guilds should be able to place? Im sorry but thats hardly going to fix anything, i think its an artificial approach to an elemental...
  3. Albanjo Dravae

    i want to play but i don't like my character and i won't delete him

    Buy another account, thats the reason Star Vault made shitty 1 char per account and a very limited skill pool design. So they can moneygrab on people having multiple accounts.
  4. Albanjo Dravae

    Another (The Newest!) Rage Against the Flag System Thread:

    I am willing to have a debate on something, only if your complaint says something better than "i don't like it", far from mad, but if you gonna asnwer something make it worth reading at least. Oh, so you are actually talking about the gameplay. The gameplay you say its so beneficial for noobs...
  5. Albanjo Dravae

    Another (The Newest!) Rage Against the Flag System Thread:

    How is it noobs are going to get rect" harder? You saying so doesnt actually makes it real lol?, i don't get anything you say. In a world you never truly die, are you talking about the lore of the game or the mechanics involved? Because its unclear Theres many themeparkish garbo features in...
  6. Albanjo Dravae

    Another (The Newest!) Rage Against the Flag System Thread:

    Themepark features, flag system needs a rework, not sure about "planting flags". But the wilderness off Town conflict shouldn't be reached by common omniscient law, this is the reason i've suggested múltiple times to make a whitness report system, that would require gameplay from people instead...
  7. Albanjo Dravae


    Cooking Is FINE HAHSH
  8. Albanjo Dravae


    Excelent alch review 🤣 even what it does Is barely achieved with It's poor placeholder design. But It's working in some degree not like cooking for example thats complete garbo or gear crafting classes that wouldnt matter if didnt exist and a vendors sold the final ítems. One thing mortal...
  9. Albanjo Dravae


    Yeah thats cool but pve Is horrible, i honestly rather see dev effort in fixing placeholder shit before piling more poorly made content. It's like the general MO player loves themepark features and broken content.
  10. Albanjo Dravae


    Alch Is the only crafting skill thats not terrible. The rest Is placeholder shit, or you gonna deny that.
  11. Albanjo Dravae

    Henrik stream 20 fps its okay ?

    Need a home render setup to run a shitty UE4 game lmao
  12. Albanjo Dravae

    Balancing notes for if the game was actually fun

    I was trolling that dude that said "can't balance foots vs mounteds and can only balance mounteds vs mounteds and foot vs foot", which Is a really demented shit to say lol
  13. Albanjo Dravae


    No. No when pve Is garbo and crafting Is placeholder poop. Climbing would be another placeholder content, to what get on top of the highest mountain to gather 3 thymus nodes? Theres better things to be suggested.
  14. Albanjo Dravae

    When are we getting a counter to MM?

    You both nice people now kiss and play mounted.
  15. Albanjo Dravae

    When are we getting a counter to MM?

    Well yeah i think we can all agree MC doesn't exist, It's just placeholder poop. And the game doesn't have momentum or physics at all. Or mounts can't kockdown players either. Yeah theres a lot of failures in mounted.
  16. Albanjo Dravae

    When are we getting a counter to MM?

    A lot of MO2 time i've played on MA and MM, as other builds aswell. Im not a dedicated footy but i can aknowledge the pros and cons of mounteds, as i can also see who wants that gameplay to be better than foots. It's not about whats better It's about balancing, the very fact mounteds have the...
  17. Albanjo Dravae

    Artifacts/Legendary Items Implementation

    It doesn't have to be exclusive and that shouldn't be an excuse, you are right on that. It aint trivial either, i appreciate your effort to suggest another layer of content but like mentioned before i believe other things have to be in order before adding any more content into the game...
  18. Albanjo Dravae

    Balancing notes for if the game was actually fun

    And lets just make 2 servers, only mounted people server and only foot server, everyone is happy no balance required.
  19. Albanjo Dravae

    Artifacts/Legendary Items Implementation

    I rather see other things being taken care of instead of piling up more trivial content. Like a rework to pve, pets, combat, crafting. Building on top of broken content just makes everything feel more artificial. Im up for organic encounters rather than fixed locations for zergs to fight for...