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  1. mydadnvm

    Reduce Map Size & Wipe Keeps

    Title. Games too big, pop is decreasing on average. It's only going to get worse. Wipe keeps due to map restructuring. give players time to move stuff. The same guilds will build a keep anyways. In prep for TC this is our only chance to fix this issue. I wouldn't even be opposed to keeping the...
  2. mydadnvm

    A few suggestions that I feel will help with the game a bit.

    Sick suggestions. Make mounted OP again and add more pets.
  3. mydadnvm

    The Recent Pet Scare

    Seems like SV needs to review their policy. Obviously it's a dupe right? For both gold and materials? Should be an instant perma ban, none of this inventory wipe and slap on the wrist shit. Pretty weakspined reaction for someone ruining your game.
  4. mydadnvm

    So when does the fun really start?

    logging into alt server 31 and setting up siege force... ok log into main... NOW!
  5. mydadnvm

    Legendary Horse Death (RIP) Aftermath. Soldeus's rage against the criminal Shmerrick

    i have information on shmerricks alt characters, how much per name?
  6. mydadnvm

    Do not trust [CTX]

    idk who this Dylan guy is but he seems hurt
  7. mydadnvm

    Dancing on AC rat wigs at Fabernum

    I thought AC controls Fab? I guess they have a lot of work to do lmao. Looks like they could barely secure a kill with their zerg of fab archers. At this point, I think GUTS is more likely to control Fab, if they end up choosing that they want to control it again. Also for the speed gap, I do...
  8. mydadnvm

    Mortal Online II PvP - Wigs vs Fabernum.

    Looks like the meta is a bunch of noobs standing in the back naked nailing people for 50 plus damage with bows. Can't wait for some pvp/balance fixes, bows are so not fun to deal with. I wish they took a look at the plenty of information from MO1. I also see a lot of people dying and running...
  9. mydadnvm

    Needed changes to the blocking and combat system

    I agree, I think the combat is way too slow and boring. It doesn't make sense that you need to charge swing, release, then have a ping delay for "normalization" where as the defender just has to block instantly with 270 degree blocking. Even parry returns are slow in swing speed, its just parry...
  10. mydadnvm

    Who is the REAL Soupy?

    I think more people have heard about Soupie than spaznat
  11. mydadnvm

    Combat/Overall feedback

    split the servers, then us americans can play without EU talking trash all day, using such a serious advantage and talk shit when we mention it. there's a reason almost every other game is region locked. i'd also like to point out that people even complain about west coast vs east coast...
  12. mydadnvm

    Combat/Overall feedback

    i've watched a lot of vids, streams, interviews, and friends playing to see enough. the combat looks pretty terrible, i feel like for a combat alpha, the focus was not combat but instead other things lol. i could get past it, but if it turns into a EU advantage parry game it's not going to be...