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  1. Oneirodynia


    I mean, it'll certainly remain niche with the current path...I don't disagree with that. Well, I certainly agree with, "we all want the game to do well." It can't accomplish that if everyone invested continues asking, "Why is no one talking about this game???" Like I said, I could be...
  2. Oneirodynia


    Yeah, we've been discussing that previously. I'm not suggesting free-to-play though, purchase-to-play with a vanity shop is more akin to what I'm suggesting. Still potential issues to iron out, like some of what's been expressed previously by others, but not nearly as many that you'd get with...
  3. Oneirodynia


    I am dealing with it, by voicing my opinion and not buying in...........just like I did with ESO when they announced the subscription, until they dropped that subscription. If MOII can manage to make it work, awesome! I'll just live vicariously through whomever decides to stream it on Twitch...
  4. Oneirodynia


    Then hope that I'm wrong, or you'll have an "untainted" game without a sustainable population. That said, I think they could work around the issue you're speaking about. Subtle accents to armor doesn't change what that armor is, just adds a bit of flare. It depends a lot on how it's...
  5. Oneirodynia


    I don't disagree with that. There's still plenty of opportunities for cosmetics. Pet armor, housing décor and material appearance, hair styles, beard styles, piercings, makeup, there's a lot you can still do without running into the perfectly valid issues you're bringing up. As I said...
  6. Oneirodynia


    Again, look to Warframe's Tennogen or Planetside 2's Player Studio. Great systems, great quality. You'd be surprised. I mean, that's true...but a people are starting to see a lot of alternatives that provide more optional systems. This game certainly has a few things over its competition, but...
  7. Oneirodynia


    I had to look into FF14's monetization system, wasn't even aware it managed to pull off a subscription model in today's climate. Interesting. I did know that the game nearly died at launch, but clawed its way from the depths of ruin to a more stable position. Eh? No. I'm not talking about the...
  8. Oneirodynia


    The game looks absolutely fantastic, and I have no doubt that it'll be good. Though, I know little to nothing about its predecessor. I just don't think you'll see enough of a demographic willing to pay into a subscription nowadays, and with the way other game companies have gone...I'm pretty...
  9. Oneirodynia


    Not omitting at all. I mentioned that the original Planetside was subscription-based, and that ESO tried it. I never knew Warframe tried it? The fact that they tried and failed, with Planetside 2 going an entirely different direction than its predecessor, is somewhat of a testament to my point...
  10. Oneirodynia


    I'll start off by saying that I've never played the original Mortal Online...or even heard of it, for that matter. With that out of the way, and correct me if I'm wrong here but, what in the world are you thinking by making this a subscription-based monetization system in today's gaming...