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  1. Mirteus

    Bandit AI in Melee problems

    So I just noticed theres another thread about bandits after already recording the video, but annyways I see its a bit more focused about the AI pathing. Problems I see that happened either rarelly or often when fighting the bandits in melee: 1. You do a clean hit on them, but instead of full...
  2. Mirteus

    Question about flagging to the devs.

    Hi, so I wanted to ask the devs, are the blue, grey and red fags all supposed to be hidden or is it a temporary placeholder? IF they are supposed to be hidden, do you want it so naturally you would have to witness the start of a fight between 2 people, to know who is being a criminal? If thats...
  3. Mirteus

    Question about game purchase.

    Hi, I was wondering, will the game be - buy to play with optional subscription, buy to play with required subscription to continue playing, or free to play with optional subscription like MO1? If on launch the game will be buy to play, then I guess I might aswell buy into the alpha now since...