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  1. S

    Expel Spirit Improvement Request

    As spiritist's are now pushed to farm spirits solo, mixed with the way these spells need to be cast - Transcendental Seance(cast, stop, self cast) then to Expel Spriit (cast, stop, self cast) it is aggravating that the most time consuming process is this cast dancing. I am requesting that Expel...
  2. S

    Fishing nerfs took the wrong approach to address excessive income

    Fishing is pretty solid if you’re doing it right. The RNG is minor and not that crazy like everyone is making it out to be. Depending on what you’re trying to catch (bait/hook/depth) determines what’s available in the potential catch options. If you seem to be getting many different things...
  3. S

    Fish encyclopedia

    Typically in an hour of fishing I will get 2-3 catches of silk ray 30,000-40,000 with the occasional over 40k. Also quite a few smaller catches of silk and sand ray. This is one of my largest silk ray to date.