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  1. T

    Pets Are Too Strong.

    This is exactly how it works right now: With BM at 100, a level 125 bear does around 10 damage against steel. Its attacks are slow-ish, clearly telegraphed and easy to parry. If you further reduce their damage, they would do absolute 0s against high-end armors. I agree with the chasing part...
  2. T

    Pets Are Too Strong.

    This is not how it works. I think we should first establish some common ground basis. I would paste my numbers but I don't want to be called names, so please indulge me: - What is a well geared fighter and how much damage do you think a pet like, say a 125 brown bear, would do against him? -...
  3. T

    Pets Are Too Strong.

    A good pet is more expensive than a full set of steel armor. Against weaker pets you dont need steel. 1 vs X is more expensive for the tamer in this scenario. I do agree that herding could use some work.
  4. T

    Pets Are Too Strong.

    I would like to know what specific situations are you referring to when you claim having covered all the cases. For example, a tamer with a level 125 campodon against a warrior with bone tissue armor and flak weapon would certainly feel unbalanced. A level 50 bear against a warrior in steel...
  5. T

    Pets Are Too Strong.

    Pets are easy to parry and without any backup, they are no threat, regardless of the build. In group fights, pets drop like flies regardless of their hp pool or armor. And now you have a mage/archer/warrior with 300 to 500 skill points idling in his character sheet. Footies with good armor...
  6. T

    We need more character slots

    What is the difference between having a second account and been able to make an alt character?
  7. T

    Changing AGE

    You are certainly right. I was just pondering the idea of rerolling but farming the clades all over again draws me back.
  8. T

    Changing AGE

    Any ETA on when are we going to be able to change AGE? Thank you.
  9. T

    My Wish List

    Good day, I played mortal online back in the day and I have really good memories about my time spent there, however, I could not get past some of the bad design decisions and I ended up leaving for good. That is one of the main reasons why I was not thinking about buying MO2. However, I ended...