Search results

  1. M

    Money transfers: Northern Bank expands east

    Completed a transfer of 3500g, 500g to every blue city, excluding Vadda highly recommend, quick and professional
  2. M

    WTB cronite lore & master alloys books in Tindrem - 200g

    easy flip, from hyllspeia to tindrem
  3. M

    Extraction service

    Greetings, I am offering an extraction service for any extraction appliance, I have just finished maxing lores on all extraction products , excluding Cronite, Tindremic messing , and oghmium, Refining is at level 95, all other appliances are at 100 . I can come to any location for the...
  4. M

    WTS Metals/other extracts in tindrem

    bump/edited prices and QTY
  5. M

    WTS Metals/other extracts in tindrem

    added Messing
  6. M

    WTS Metals/other extracts in tindrem

    updated prices
  7. M


    fair enough, Updated price
  8. M


    COD to Craythor 5g/stack
  9. M

    WTS Metals/other extracts in tindrem

    Updated prices
  10. M

    WTS Metals/other extracts in tindrem

  11. M

    WTS Metals/other extracts in tindrem

    Cuprum - 80g per stack (10 stacks) Saburra powder - 5g per stack Jadeite - 325g per stack (2 stacks) Bleck - 50g Per stack (15 stacks) Pyrite - 250g per stack (2 stacks) Steel - 500g per stack (3 stacks) Tungsteel - 2500g per stack -SOLD OUT granum powder -3g per stack Flakestone - 60g per...
  12. M

    WTB Saburra in tindrem

    all of them
  13. M

    WTB Saburra in tindrem

    6g per stack
  14. M

    WTS Skadite

    Sold it already, for 8500g, if you'd like to buy some ill let you know when I have more in stock
  15. M

    WTS Skadite

    have 1 stack in stock in tindrem
  16. M

    Where are the fabricula locations?

    also, where are the furnace locations?
  17. M

    Where are the fabricula locations?

    Is there one in Tindrem ?