Recent content by Zethes

  1. Z

    Game freezing

    I never had this freeze problem before, but ever since the latest patch my client freezes permanently after 30-60 minutes of playing. I'm still on Haven and everything was running smooth until now. I'm using Vsync and FPS is capped at 60 as always. This is extremely frustrating and I don't feel...
  2. Z

    Unreal Engine crashing on log in

    Same here. I stay in the queue for half and hour and then the client crashes; rinse and repeat. The game has exactly the same problems it had a year ago during the stress test. SV didn't learn anything and haven't improved anything in this period. It's so sad to see them fail like this. How...
  3. Z

    Bandits need to have stamina drain

    The problem is that they eventually lose aggro, but then they immediately re-aggro on you since you are close to them. I think the fix is rather easy: just make them so after they lose aggro they have a short cooldown before they can re-aggro again. That should give players enough time to move...
  4. Z

    Login Failed

    Yes, it's a known issue with the login server. There are already threads about this ( ) and it's also discussed on the official Discord and Twitter. Hopefully we'll be able to at least get a functioning queue...
  5. Z

    Feedback Pre-Stresstest Patch.

    This is great work guys, thank you for doing this. Hopefully SV will be able to address most of these in the next couple of days... The more the better considering how much exposure the game has gotten lately; the first impression will be very important.
  6. Z

    Young Razorbacks = Hot, Archery = Not?

    I honestly hope they patch this soon, especially before the 25th! People will not like these broken razorbacks at all. And it seems that all aggressive animals have really bad animations and movement/attack speeds. Young Wolves are also very fast and "twitchy". Similarly to how tamed Horses at...
  7. Z


    As it was mentioned above, the F2P model has failed badly in MO1. People would have naked characters logged off all over the map that acted like "cameras". They could log in with them and check out the area, spy on people, have someone "on the lookout" at the dungeon entrance (they would always...