Recent content by Jaseace

  1. Jaseace

    Suggestion to Devs: How to release a game in 2021 plus some inspiration from "Bethesda Elder Scrolls" criticism WHAT MORTALONLINE2 NEEDS BEFORE LAUNCH

    It took many, MANY years before MO1 ever got new magic schools. Give them their time, only advice I got. Spiritism was a HUGE deal, and it came out what, half a decade after release? The fact that they are even working on the schools now, instead of later, says a lot of the new SV direction vs...
  2. Jaseace

    Guides and Tutorials for Beginners and Advanced Players | Wolfszeit

    Checking out MO2 again for the first time since alpha, this is really great man. Great job barbie girl ;)
  3. Jaseace

    Should SV add sub-tokens?

    I guess most of you aren't veterans of MO1, and well, this might be a shocker - RWT will happen no matter what you do. Many of the most famous members of MO1, RWT was their bread and butter. They all bought/sold subs and gold. It happened, happens now with people paying for MO2 access with MO1...
  4. Jaseace

    So where is everyone planning on living?

    Tindrem Graveyard, obviously. Where else can you find the highest level of PvP 24/7??? nah but forreal now that I know how crafting works and am not already set up with years of hoarded gear in Tindrem, I have no clue. If other cities offer the same amount of low effort farming as Tindrem used...
  5. Jaseace

    What settlement are you gonna base in (if any?)

    Tindrem Graveyard, of course. The only home for High Quality PvP.
  6. Jaseace

    Suggestion - Change the resurrecting animation (Plus UI)

    Don't think there should be any change to the animation. You won't be seeing it NEAR as often past combat alpha. More variation though would be cool.
  7. Jaseace

    Crafting Suggestions

    Haven't we gone over this before people? Crafting minigames sucks, nobody wants them. Just another pointless mechanic. If you wanna see a real mini-game, look at lockpicking in MO1.... It sucked. Lets not try this again.
  8. Jaseace

    Cow and chicken:)

    As weird as this is... I kinda dig it. A simple man, working his land.
  9. Jaseace

    Favorite Video Game Soundtracks

    Doesn't have to be just instrumental, it can be anything from GTA Vice City to TES if that's your flavor. I'll start
  10. Jaseace

    Your Favorite Songs

    That's been the go to lately.
  11. Jaseace

    Are we going to get Sub Tokens for Mortal 2 now?

    Considering that they're still building this sytem, now is the time to get some securities in the works. I understand that they couldn't prevent duping and that's why we were never going to get in MO1, but this is one of the few things that could invite people to play the game that may not want...
  12. Jaseace

    Are we going to get Sub Tokens for Mortal 2 now?

    TBH i still think this is a great idea, especially now that you have an entry level cost of buying the game along with subscription, the game will greatly benefit from it. Lets be complete honest, people WILL trade gold for subscriptions no matter what you say or do, and nothing is going to...
  13. Jaseace

    Advantage for MO1 players

    Truly hope it's only cosmetics (certain titles, capes, etc) and nothing of true value. As much as I love Ibarurri and his shenanigans, I'd rather not start a brand new game with someone who already owns everything.
  14. Jaseace

    Members we've lost, but not forgotten.

    October 2017, he took his own life.