Recent content by FML

  1. FML

    Another take on heavy armor Balance

    I'm for and against the idea of limited visibility. I like the concept and I think it would make for some interesting immersive game play not being able to fully see your surroundings -- however, with the previous bug with shoulders blocking view, that was a real pain in the arse. I would go out...
  2. FML

    Ideas to reduce travel time, without destoying core mechanics of the game. (very important feedback to make the game enjoyable for players with a job)

    I completely understand the issues people have with the travel time in MO it really is a huge factor in the game, especially with new players who don't know the map layout, even MO2 compared to MO1 it's a huge stepping stone, I came back recently and still have the old map locations in my mind...
  3. FML

    [Hardware] I'm going to upgrade my PC

    I was running with a 1050ti for a long time, came back to MO and was getting low FPS while not even playing at a good resolution - with the new cards coming out soon I was able to swipe a good deal on a 3060ti and on med/high graphics depending where I am in Nave (with hardware acceleration...
  4. FML

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