Recent content by Fartest

  1. F

    When are we getting a counter to MM?

    mm with good horse armour and high lvl horse xD you cant outrun them on foot or on horse xD you cant heal yourself when mage puts anti heal on you xD you cant bandage your horse when mounted xD you can only use longbows on foot xD magic dmg ignores armour for player and horse xD high dex mages...
  2. F

    Low pop and frustration.

    Oh look griefers killed all the noobs and solo players and now there's no one left must be hilarious killing afk gatherers and 1v4 with the boys. Devs should make something to attract pvpers together so big scale battles or skirmishes can happen. Show a marker on compass with random event so...
  3. F

    StarVault throws Pvp players under the bus

    Wtf are u talking about game has 1k players left anyone who tries it out gets griefed at the graveyard or nearest bandit camp. There's bunch of 40year olds without jobs or familys who just go around killing anyone they see all day and are in town 2 min later laughing at you how great they are...
  4. F

    StarVault throws Pvp players under the bus

    1vX isn't PvP. As currently it is PvP is killing this game by noob griefing killing all new players before they even get to try the game
  5. F

    Saving Blues from Reds, Carrot vs. Stick

    Game is braindead if for whatever reason you decide to go out of town and play the game kill bandits or farm materials solo. EVERY player you see will attack you in 1vX PVP. majority of playerbase which is about 1k now are 40 year old griefers no new player will bother wasting their time on...
  6. F

    Rep system sucks

    You just pay gold and get out (from city Bank or player can buy you out)or wait if your poor if you read make parcels carry goods so it would be worth attacking players who might carry stuff and would give objectives to pve players not empty worthless letter for 30min so you can gank 1 more guy...
  7. F

    Rep system sucks

    Add a jail system you kill a player they don't attack back at you.... You go red for a while keep adding more kills the longer you will be red there's no way to reduce kill count. If you die when you're red go to jail in which ever city player was citizen of either u have to wait the timer to...
  8. F

    We need more character slots

    You can be fully self sufficient anyway now by having multiple accounts or by leveling skills to 70 I don't even care about crafting that much I want to try different combat builds for fun and experiment. Someone still needs to gather base materials sell them and process them. If I wanted to I...
  9. F

    We need more character slots

    I'm almost finished my main combat/crafting I want to try different builds but I'm not deleting my character. Making new steam account and buying the game again isn't really worth the effort and when subscription starts I won't pay for 2 accounts. Also when sub starts paying for 1 character slot...