Emdash's latest activity

  • Emdash
    Emdash replied to the thread Pets Are Too Strong..
    with great sadness, I specced off a weapon skill to turn Maltie into a tru arcane archer. One who can actually use magic. I had to drop...
  • Emdash
    Emdash replied to the thread Pets Are Too Strong..
    I bet you could body a campo or a molva as MA, from really far away, if it was just you shooting them and someone trying to heal it, but...
  • Emdash
    Emdash replied to the thread I had a dream about MO!.
    dude I know you're Henrik haha. You got trolled, but what I said is true. I do both. :D PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO KILL ME.
  • Emdash
    Emdash posted the thread I had a dream about MO! in Off Topic.
    It was weird. You know how in dreams when you are playing a game but you end up actually living in the game world? Basically, they made...
  • Emdash
    dude it's been way too long since I've seen a MOdick. Holy shit. They should have polished up the UI, made the world a little more high...