Recent content by Aerylac

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    Single Price (for early purchasers) Instead of Subscription

    Hey I dig your YouTube channel! As well as Speznat's!
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    Single Price (for early purchasers) Instead of Subscription

    Interesting take, I never really saw the people who proposed the cosmetic model so much as spitballing. Fair point
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    Single Price (for early purchasers) Instead of Subscription

    By "hardcore people" I'm not sure if you mean long-time MO players or hardcore RPG/games community as a whole, but rest assured I definitely come more from the latter. It is definitely more profitable to have a paid cosmetic model, however if SV chooses to go that route, it should not be F2P...
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    Single Price (for early purchasers) Instead of Subscription

    10$ is more manageable; I disagree with having an unlimited Haven/free trial
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    Single Price (for early purchasers) Instead of Subscription

    Do you know why poor people keep hardcore games alive? Because they tend to have the most hours to spare, and play the game. Give the poor ones an in-game grind to pay for their sub and they will do it. The whole reason I got into hardcore RPGs and other games was because I used to be poor...
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    Single Price (for early purchasers) Instead of Subscription

    This is the alternative I offered, besides waiving the sub fee for early testers. You're on point with that
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    Single Price (for early purchasers) Instead of Subscription

    Funny how you assume this thread is pro-cosmetics Every reply I've had to people who've proposed that are only contemplative, and not condoning. It's a horrible model to have paid custom cosmetics in this type of game
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    Single Price (for early purchasers) Instead of Subscription

    it's already been agreed upon that F2P will kill MO2 but i do like this insight
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    Single Price (for early purchasers) Instead of Subscription

    Hm, you might be right actually. A small team like this making a steady stream of content would not have the manpower or time for side cosmetics. I would have proposed user-generated content that is dev-approved, but that's still yet to be seen if they have people to even hawk over that stuff to...
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    Single Price (for early purchasers) Instead of Subscription

    Yeah, I definitely understand the balance between having too many people getting early-ganked and having those people become more vocal and give the game negative reviews. I still believe in the hardcore RPG fanbase, since they always see this stuff and brush it off as filthy casuals just not...
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    Single Price (for early purchasers) Instead of Subscription

    I can definitely agree to an initial price in the early days as long as the ones who've paid that price don't have to subscribe to pay. Man, Albion Online. Where to begin? Their biggest fault was transitioning to F2P, which is not only the worst idea for MO2, but a bad idea for any game...
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    Single Price (for early purchasers) Instead of Subscription

    See my other replies for examples. The game already attracts a very particular type of audience that, as you mentioned, is expected to play the game for a long time just on the merit of it being a good game alone. If that's your point, it would not matter whether or not filthy quitters come and...
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    Single Price (for early purchasers) Instead of Subscription

    Yeah, the part you mentioned about bad reviews definitely hit home because many other games apart from my examples have fallen to the more vocal responses, which tended to be people who don't even really know what they're talking about so I feel ya. As for the helpers taking their time, that's...
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    Single Price (for early purchasers) Instead of Subscription

    Why would you want to weed out casual players? If anything, we would want more of them as the majority are literal money bags who spend a big price once on a game then leave, and easily get replaced by another casual who pays the lump sum, so on and so forth.. You can easily turn casual players...
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    Single Price (for early purchasers) Instead of Subscription

    Yeah, no thanks lol F2P is just a cesspool for bots and cheaters