Hello, Im using the Thursar/Khurite FF build from your excel (
And I have a question for my last clade points:
Wouldn't it be better to have "Battle Cry" buff (+20 STR) than the "Robust" (+2 CON) clade?
Specially since this build can cap CON at 116 without needing that CON clade, and therefore that points (overflow) would go into PSY...
So basically its a choice between +2 PSY (always) vs +20 STR (15 secs with 8 min CD, I think)
Furthermore, since CON is already capped at 116 naturally (without taking that +2 clade), and you need to change those 2 points from CON over to PSY, why not just take the "Resolved" (+3 PSY), gaining 1 extra psy?
Am I missing something here? What is the reason the 2 PSY (moved from CON) is chosen in your build vs the +20 STR buff (or Adamant buff, or other)?
And, if PSY is prefered (for magic defense), why not then just take the "+3 PSY" clade?
I'm confused, it's my first character so I may be wrong.
Attaching screenshot of what clades I would take (with 1 last point free to chose among Large Lunge, Adamant, Resolved).
Any and all feedback is welcome,
Thanks in advance