Last I played was probably about a year and a half ago. I have a 3080 and a 11900K and the fans were always loud when I played. That's not the case anymore, they are running normally now. The sky is no longer doing that horrible flickering and also the sunlight is no longer doing that crazy flickering that it would do inside buildings (like inside Meduli bank, you know what I am talking about). That's all been fixed. The lighting everywhere looks great too compared to what it use to be. So there are improvements happening. If you have been out for awhile you'll notice it..
I know that's not super scientific but just wanted to report some good news for those that have also been sitting out for a long time. Noticeable improvements are happening
I know that's not super scientific but just wanted to report some good news for those that have also been sitting out for a long time. Noticeable improvements are happening