Buffing Spurt Could Fix Multiple Problems with Magic


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2020
What I would do to spurt:

1. Similar damage and similar mana cost (possibly slightly lower) to outburst.
2. Same range as flamestrike.
3. Remove charge time or allow charging while moving.

Spurt is currently a darn near useless spell outside grinding by splashing yourself in the face. It shouldn't be. It should be like the bread and butter spell for mages. These changes turn it into that.

It allows spurt to become a short-range kiter spell. As the cheapest spell to cast this makes it GREAT for PVE. It also means if you are good at kiting you can effectively use it to do a run and gun playstyle against people trying to push you in melee making mages way stronger in solo combat without diminishing the fact they're still mainly a support role.

It keeps the strength of being good against heavy armor builds but is much lower range than bows.

"Mages shouldn't be able to..."

There will already be no-charge spells with the other schools. This general build will already be possible. This would just mean we don't have to wait for all the schools to make it in, and longterm makes things WAY easier on newb mages when they're going to the graveyard to kill walkers for the first time. It also makes a damn near useless spell useful IMO. If you want newb mages to have to experience stopping to charge a spell make outburst level 1 as well. It's certainly weak enough to justify that IMO.
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