A Short List on Things Broken With Taming


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2020
I'll skip the things that are planned but not in, like the fact trading had not yet been implemented. These are the things absolutely broken in the current taming system:

1. Pathing - To expound upon this some tames (such as young razorbacks) are so bad you tell them to attack and they run the opposite direction unless they are already next to the target when you issue the command. All tames seem to have an issue where they run back and forth instead of just sticking to the target.

2. Leveling - Sometimes it is quick, sometimes it's very slow, sometimes it doesn't seem to be happening at all even though it's enabled.

3. Targeting - During one fight I had to reissue the attack command 3-5 times because the tame was switching targets to allies.

As is. It feels very strong. If your tame paths correctly to the target, and if your tame stays on that target instead of attacking your allies.

Altadar Leviathan

New member
Feb 7, 2021
yep i noticed a couple of time than my pet didn't want to come back after attacking a target.

he also attacked me one time and wasn't out of loyalty