Mining / Gathering


Well-known member
May 16, 2021
Well most people for natural reasons don't like AFKing for gameplay, especially when you cant actually AFK and need to babysit.


Active member
Jul 19, 2021
"Mini-Game"... It's one of the most core functions of the game. Gathering resources to craft items, no reason someone should be able to set up a macro to literally do it all for them, thats the only thing this current system is good for.


Active member
Sep 11, 2021
Bruh its mining, Would you rather have to do an over head swing every single time, just to gather? If they added a mini game for mining what would that even be, to actually make sense. This is honestly such a sad, pathetic post. :rolleyes: You say this like mining irl is so fucking lit.

Let the afkers get robbed by theives, ganked, killed... I don't think there should be a mini game for mining because then you would be locked in the mini game while getting ur shit pushed in. Even if they did add a mini game u still would not be playing the game, you would just be playing a mini game.

Not every part of the game can be fun and exciting. Ive been playing the game from the stress test, and only mined once. Not bc it is boring, just because I dont need to. There are other things in the game besides mining. Hell I even wear bone armor, I legit never have to mine. You know what everyone has to do tho, is walk. Do you want a walking mini game? Goofy ass cuh.

Also certain flowers do disappear once picked.

Well I was gonna write a lot more but then I read some of the replies, and you are one dumb mothafucka. You don't understand what anyone says, and you twist peoples words. Go work for a news station.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2021
"Mini-Game"... It's one of the most core functions of the game. Gathering resources to craft items, no reason someone should be able to set up a macro to literally do it all for them, thats the only thing this current system is good for.

Just remove guard zone mining and the afkers will be sorted. Adding busy work for the sake of busy work with a minigame adds 0 value.


Active member
Jul 19, 2021
Bruh its mining, Would you rather have to do an over head swing every single time, just to gather? If they added a mini game for mining what would that even be, to actually make sense. This is honestly such a sad, pathetic post. :rolleyes: You say this like mining irl is so fucking lit.

Let the afkers get robbed by theives, ganked, killed... I don't think there should be a mini game for mining because then you would be locked in the mini game while getting ur shit pushed in. Even if they did add a mini game u still would not be playing the game, you would just be playing a mini game.

Not every part of the game can be fun and exciting. Ive been playing the game from the stress test, and only mined once. Not bc it is boring, just because I dont need to. There are other things in the game besides mining. Hell I even wear bone armor, I legit never have to mine. You know what everyone has to do tho, is walk. Do you want a walking mini game? Goofy ass cuh.
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Also certain flowers do disappear once picked.

Well I was gonna write a lot more but then I read some of the replies, and you are one dumb mothafucka. You don't understand what anyone says, and you twist peoples words. Go work for a news station.
You are really in your feelings over some forum posts "mining IRL" LMFAO nobody is playing this game to experience real life bud, sorry to point that out for you. Play literally any other game with mining and show me where you get "locked in" this is literally the only game Ive ever played that makes you immobile for minutes at a time to mine.. "I wear nothing but pigs so i dont have to mine" as if thats a good thing to mention LMFAO. probably another 50 year old mo1 vet who just wants to macro on their alt for free materials


Active member
Jul 29, 2021
The Accursed Swamp of Florida
Gonna be honest, I used to think this way too with MMOs and gathering, but with experience comes wisdom.

Do you really want to be playing a mini-game for dozens/hundreds of hours? I’m asking that genuinely. Really think about that not in the excitement of being able to do something new, but when you need a ton of stone for something, like a stronghold, and you’ve been playing for 3 years. How do you develop a system where gathering thousands and thousands of rocks is “fun” and not repetitive? Because unless you walk up to that node and beat the mini game and immediately get all of the resources from it, you’ll be sitting there actively mining for a very long time over the span of your gameplay if it’s a mini game.

I’m not saying that’s ideal game design all around, but there really isn’t a way to make mining/gathering engaging like other things. You just can’t really make it exciting long-term.
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Active member
Jul 19, 2021
Gonna be honest, I used to think this way too with MMOs and gathering, but with experience comes wisdom.

Do you really want to be playing a mini-game for dozens/hundreds of hours? I’m asking that genuinely. Really think about that not in the excitement of being able to do something new, but when you need a ton of stone for something, like a stronghold, and you’ve been playing for 3 years. How do you develop a system where gathering thousands and thousands of rocks is “fun” and not repetitive? Because unless you walk up to that node and beat the mini game and immediately get all of the resources from it, you’ll be sitting there actively mining for a very long time over the span of your gameplay if it’s a mini game.

I’m not saying that’s ideal game design all around, but there really isn’t a way to make mining/gathering engaging like other things. You just can’t really make it exciting long-term.
They have in game systems like buying NPC miners or woodcutters for gathering more materials once you reach that state, there’s no reason anything in the game should be so boring that you are not even paying attention for that long just to get stones. It’s bad game design to make your players want to do something else while playing your game
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Well-known member
Sep 14, 2021
They have in game systems like buying NPC miners or woodcutters for gathering more materials once you reach that state, there’s no reason anything in the game should be so boring that you are not even paying attention for that long just to get stones. It’s bad game design to make your players want to do something else while playing your game

Just because you find this inconceivable doesn't mean others do. I see this mentality a lot: " we don't people that don't PvP in our guild" and then complain about what a chore all the non-PvP activities are and just want SV to change everything about them. There is plenty of resources on the broker to be sold for gold, there are plenty of ways to get gold. No one is forcing you into this playstyle which a minigame would only make worse and after discussing how terrible afk gathering is in another thread I don't even want to start to describe how trash NPC gathering is for metals.


Active member
Jul 19, 2021
Just because you find this inconceivable doesn't mean others do. I see this mentality a lot: " we don't people that don't PvP in our guild" and then complain about what a chore all the non-PvP activities are and just want SV to change everything about them. There is plenty of resources on the broker to be sold for gold, there are plenty of ways to get gold. No one is forcing you into this playstyle which a minigame would only make worse and after discussing how terrible afk gathering is in another thread I don't even want to start to describe how trash NPC gathering is for metals.
No, you're absolutely right. All the people profiting because you can just set your alt account to farm all day on a macro probably love this system, super easy to exploit and will be even easier once we have housing full in LMAO.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2021
No, you're absolutely right. All the people profiting because you can just set your alt account to farm all day on a macro probably love this system, super easy to exploit and will be even easier once we have housing full in LMAO.

As I said above, remove GZ gathering and its easy to deal with macro gatherers


Well-known member
May 16, 2021
Just look at rust or the forest for gathering "minigames"

IDK people always jump to that you will be locked into a "minigame", No one is complaining about those games and actually enjoys the gathering a lot more. Or at least hate gathering a lot less.

You might as well just have NPCs that mine for you if you think its good that people AFK for resources. Its not even real AFK because you cant leave with out being at risk. I cant even get up to do IRL chores.

Some of the gathering like grains is just brutal. Its basically AFK but you have to stay ingame and hold a button down. Cant even alt tab. Got to do that for a while to get a stack of grain. Grains needs to be changed.

Also making gold isnt that spectacular either, the PvE isnt something to be praising in this game as content.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2021
Also making gold isnt that spectacular either, the PvE isnt something to be praising in this game as content.

You don't like the gathering, you don't like the PvE ... why do you play this game? Is there really no other game out there with better PvP which seems to be the only enjoyable activity for you?

I am not saying its perfect and yes on your grain comment, it could use the same mechanic as the cavollo as Rage pointed out but doing that... I just don't think it will fix your underlying issue with MO.


Active member
Sep 11, 2021
You are really in your feelings over some forum posts "mining IRL" LMFAO nobody is playing this game to experience real life bud, sorry to point that out for you. Play literally any other game with mining and show me where you get "locked in" this is literally the only game Ive ever played that makes you immobile for minutes at a time to mine.. "I wear nothing but pigs so i dont have to mine" as if thats a good thing to mention LMFAO. probably another 50 year old mo1 vet who just wants to macro on their alt for free materials

You are so dumb, and irrelevant. Assuming makes an ass out of you and me. What would age have anything to do with you being a big dummy. I am 23 and never played MO1. And yes the reason I play this game is bc its brutal, and un forgiving, Like real life. You are not locked in, Being locked means fastened up and un able to move/get in. At any point in tim while mining you are able to leave. Yo dont have to wait for anything to move. You think sitting there for 2min (With the option to leave at any time) to gather is locking you there.... That is the most dumb shit I ever heard. I also think its funny how u think ik how to macro. Idk that shit. You also mentioned me only wearing bone armor, then immediately said Im a Macro user for free mats. dismissing the bone armor only. What is it? Am I a :poop: that only uses bone armor, or am I a macro user for all the steel?

Keep making up inaccurate claims, so I can keep showing how much of a imbecile you are.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
37.76655478735988, -122.48572468757628
"play music or read something on the other screen"

Not even playing the game. Just scrolling through the internet and getting rocks in your inv lmao
What if I was talking to my guild, on guild business or for pleaseure.... does that count?
Research into things that come up in my guild, in and around the game.... does that count?
What if I was reading or even writing on the forums... does that count?
Guess what I was doing when I wrote Risar Girls (Don't Wear No Underwear)? Does that count?

For a generally well-behaved person, I do as a matter of fact resent the presence of Hall Monitors.
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Well-known member
May 28, 2020
A padded room.
They have in game systems like buying NPC miners or woodcutters for gathering more materials once you reach that state, there’s no reason anything in the game should be so boring that you are not even paying attention for that long just to get stones. It’s bad game design to make your players want to do something else while playing your game
Please No on the npcs that gather for you. I hope they learned from that mistake.

What if I was talking to my guild, on guild business or for pleaseure.... does that count?
Research into things that come up in my guild, in and around the game.... does that count?
What if I was reading or even writing on the forums... does that count?
Guess what I was doing when I wrote Risar Girls (Don't Wear No Underwear)? Does that count?

For a generally well-behaved person, I do as a matter of fact resent the presence of Hall Monitors.

Or just alone in your own thoughts as you relax from a hard day of real life work.

While not enjoyed by all, These type of activities do have their place for specific types of play.


Oct 24, 2021
My recommendations for the gathering/mining actions :
  • Better visual representation that you're depleting a resource, got to trigger this dopamine rush for breaking stuff.
  • Get rid of the "you need a weapon" weirdness.
  • I'd recommend smaller nodes, which are faster to collect, but spread them more over the map. Reward exploration and have the player optimize a route, rather than just have one node fill your bag.
  • Maybe normalize the quantity a bit? Collecting thousands of X, to refine it into thousands of Y, to craft just a few weapons feels odd.
Imo, the action of gathering will never be exciting by itself. What should be exciting is when you finally find that resource, or to have many things to go for, like regional resources, rare nodes, or just diversity in general. It helps if you can throw in some luck elements and maybe turn this into a skinner box somehow with cool visuals or something.
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Well-known member
May 28, 2020
A padded room.
I don't think spreading mining nodes around would be a good thing.

I think having large amounts of nodes in one location will make it easier for organized groups to mine together.

Also, needing a weapon or tool with durability is part of the system.

As the quantity you get from a node decreases, you are getting less for your durability hit.
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Well-known member
May 16, 2021
How is the mining in MO2
It's the same as MO1 pretty much and has been working constistently and successfully for over a decade. I enjoy it working as it is now.
Doesnt seem to be working to me. MO1 had eventually made NPCs that gathered for you. Probably since no one wanted to do it with the pop so low too.

Look at other games with successful and liked gathering. I wont ask SV to do anything too ambitious for them like trees that fall or rocks that change shape.

But even if they dont make it less bad they should realize if its a time sink that they need for balancing that all time sinks stack on top of each other.

The best solution that other games have is that you truly AFK your basic resources and manage a system to get those basic resources. And they they make you go collect the more rare stuff your self. Hitting a rock all day for some basic resource that you need tons of for little reward or you can mine rare resources while passively making common resources.