Magic Feedback Thread


Active member
Sep 15, 2020
Hello, I have been playing MO1 since 2015 mostly as dex mage main and would like to give my input on the current state of magic and hopefully with the rest of the community on this post, all of our feedback can and will be heard. Please feel free to address your opinions, concerns and feedback on the new magic system release in this thread.

((Disclaimer: I know this is the first iteration of the magic system but I don't know what's intentional or not about the system so will be leaving all my issues with it below))

UPDATE: HOTFIX FIXED ALL THESE RECAST DELAY ISSUES BELOW, IT NOW BASICALLY FEELS 100% LIKE IT DOES IN MO1. Though the "Combat Casting section" below still the biggest issue.
Recast Delay:
One of the biggest issues I have is the recast delay of spells especially in comparison to MO1. When I cast any spell such as a heal and attempt to cast another spell directly after it finishes there is a noticeably long delay between when I can start casting again.... something MO1 mage veterans from recent times would notice extremely. In MO1 or any other MMO / RPG for that matter your spells goes off and you can cast another one instantly once it finishes the cast. There is a strange delay for this in MO2 right now for some reason hope it's not intentional as it just makes the casting feel clunky and slow.

This problem gets even much worse because this same delay happens after the first charge-hold of the ecu spell as well, meaning you press a spell to cast..... it finishes the animation..... now you attempt to use the spell once the animation completes and you get the buff showing you have the spell held/charged....but even when this happens there's a half-second to full second delay before it's actually useable.... then you use the spell and it hits and finishes it's animation..... now you deal with the delay of being able to cast another spell directly afterwards. I know any real veteran MO1 mage who has played in the last 1-2 years or still has their muscle memory will know exactly what I am talking about. I can make a side-by-side video comparisons of MO1 VS MO2 casting delays if more detail on this is wanted or debated.

Combat Casting: My main concern at the moment which I hope is not intentional of the system and just bugs and un-polish is how casting during combat behaves. If I have no weapon equipped and attempt to cast a spell it first automatically puts my hands away first(goes out of combat) and then starts casting the spell and the spell finishes then returns me to combat again...... once I try to press the button to actually cast the spell it slowly has to take me out of combat mode AGAIN and seconds later the spell will actually go off..... Not only does this force you to stay on your direct target seconds after pressing and trying to release the spell it also feels very sluggish and clunky and this is the exact opposite of how casting in MO1 worked where it didn't matter if you were casting in combat or not, your spells were butter-smooth, responsive, and precise. Though it even gets a bit worse with the combat mode issues..........

Currently if you have a weapon out and press a spell it will automatically put you out of combat mode and cast the spell without having to unequip the weapon first like in MO1 .....GREAT!!!! (tho sluggishly ofcourse)..... The problem is when you press the spell again to actually cast it after the first initial cast to hold the charge your weapon will come back out instead which for sure seems like a bug at least thankfully but just mentioning just for it to be known.

Effects: I am fine with the spell cast animations for now, though I do believe there should be more noticeable feedback for specific spells when you connect onto another player. Since they want to remove the confusion of ecu being projectile based as it caused some issues in MO1 but as suggested by barcode in a recent thread some type of few frame beam or line or etc animation to show a more pronounced hit similar to mental projectile from MO1 would be a good addition overall in my opinion instead some of the current spells like outburst having a vague low-feedback animation once it hits trying to notice it from range. If I have to check my combat log to know if a spell went off which I did many times today, that means the animations need improvement.

Spell Range: The spells ranges I've tested seem mostly similar to MO1 besides Fireball(Outburst) which has a pretty obnoxiously far range and would happily trade a fluid and fun system back in return of the normal fireball range as a sacrifice if that's what it takes. A line of mages spamming fireball from max range isn't fun or interesting if that's gonna be our best and most effective playstyle to try and whittle down a group pre-engage before we just turn into max range heal-bots during the fight as it seems this current system would probably turn us into overall since aggressive mage plays on such a slow sluggish magic system is much less plausible and realistic in a competitive fight.

Conclusion: I really hope most of this is just a issue of it being first iteration and not a similar situation that melee combat faced where it was slowed down intentionally because this goes beyond just slowing a swing speed down, this is creating a clunky, sluggish, and most importantly UNFUN magic system if it stayed anywhere near this state at persistence release and not just to most new players but especially the MO1 mage veterans who have felt what a overall responsive, precise and fun spell system ended up being eventually in MO1. Me and the other main mage officer in my guild tested for this for many hours today with the rest of our guild and as the two people who were extremely excited and ONLY interested for many many months for the magic release... we have decided we probably won't even play mage now if it remains anywhere similar to this current iteration sadly. Thank you for reading.
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Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
I want to add this Thread about Healing.

I have to agree with this comment.

"I personally found pvp rather annoying as the limit to how much a person could be healed per second was entirely dependent on the number of mages healing. This meant that a low hp player would go from <10% to full hp in less than a second. I personally do not think that this is excellent game design as it gets into the territory of being oneshot or being immortal. I like the suggestion of healing over time to be more common with the HoT buff not stacking as that creates a simple and straightforward method of limiting healing. Alternatively there could be a separate limit where if you get healed for over 300% of your health pool over 15 seconds, you get reduced healing for a bit. I see what this is trying to address but also think that the solution to the excessive burst healing is not nerfing their heals but nerfing the potential to repeatedly heal the same player."

I think the healing Spells makes the outcome of the Battles between extremely good players and mediocre players more unbalanced.

The inferior team wants to eliminate the other team's best fighters as quickly as possible.
Without Healers you could focus them out faster, if they made a mistake and overextended.
Magic can also be used to burst down players, but the mages tend to be far behind in larger group fights, otherwise they will be focused.

A good veteran can take out several players in a fight and in his good armor is usually much more powerful than the gear of his Guildmates.

The healers focus the healing on the best fighters. A healer should be able to heal through, but not be able to heal the same player all the time (the one that wear the best armor). After one heal, the next heal should heal less. There should be a healing debuff, or better just a small direct healing effect plus a healing over time effect that cannot stack up. I would like to see that the Greater Heal won´t heal more than a lesser heal and get a healing over time effect as a bonus.

The time to kill get increased a lot, after we get mages in the game and i kinda enjoyed the
length of fights without mages.

But we will see. We have to properly playtest the magic before we make hasty decisions.
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Active member
Sep 15, 2020
I want to add this Thread about Healing.

I have to agree with this comment.

"I personally found pvp rather annoying as the limit to how much a person could be healed per second was entirely dependent on the number of mages healing. This meant that a low hp player would go from <10% to full hp in less than a second. I personally do not think that this is excellent game design as it gets into the territory of being oneshot or being immortal. I like the suggestion of healing over time to be more common with the HoT buff not stacking as that creates a simple and straightforward method of limiting healing. Alternatively there could be a separate limit where if you get healed for over 300% of your health pool over 15 seconds, you get reduced healing for a bit. I see what this is trying to address but also think that the solution to the excessive burst healing is not nerfing their heals but nerfing the potential to repeatedly heal the same player."

I think the healing Spells makes the outcome of the Battles between extremely good players and mediocre players more unbalanced.

The inferior team wants to eliminate the other team's best fighters as quickly as possible.
Without Healers you could focus them out faster, if they made a mistake and overextended.
Magic can also be used to burst down players, but the mages tend to be far behind in larger group fights, otherwise they will be focused.

A good veteran can take out several players in a fight and in his good armor is usually much more powerful than the gear of his Guildmates.

The healers focus the healing on the best fighters. A healer should be able to heal through, but not be able to heal the same player all the time (the one that wear the best armor). After one heal, the next heal should heal less. There should be a healing debuff, or better just a small direct healing effect plus a healing over time effect that cannot stack up. I would like to see that the Greater Heal won´t heal more than a lesser heal and get a healing over time effect as a bonus.

The time to kill get increased a lot, after we get mages in the game and i kinda enjoyed the
length of fights without mages.

But we will see. We have to properly playtest the magic before we make hasty decisions.

After many years of both small scale and large scale pvp MO fights.... I have never seen a stale-mate between two sides fighting unless it was one team gate camping which wasn't a problem with healing it was just how walls worked, even then the damage output in MO1 seemed perfectly fine enough to get kills even to a group 5 feet from their gate trying to run back inside after taking damage. The spell corrupt is designed to counter-heals and considering it's spammable it does a great job at that. A well timed corrupt by 1 player can counter heals from infinite mages giving enough time to kill anyone from good focused damage by a group.

The problem with a slow sluggish magic system we currently have is this will make quickly getting a focused player corrupted or spam corrupted take longer, less-reliable, and mages in general playing less aggressive not up-front able to help corrupt but even deal offensive damage to a target.
I understand a melee player might be frustrated sometimes getting his damage healed through but then his mages or hybrids are not playing at full potential... though this current system would make that much worse in my opinion and turn mages into way more defensive healbots that the concerns are talked about. Hope my mage point of view makes this more understandable... thank you.


Active member
Jun 6, 2020
I think mages in mo1 were pretty well balanced. Easy to kill but important part of the group. Pets and dks’ made them op but they need something for pve if most people are going to have one char.

Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
i would like if they would make greater heal weaker and devide the spell in some direct healing and healing over time, but add a Blood magic Stance, so you can spend life instead of mana, if you are out of mana.


Well-known member
May 29, 2020
I think mages in mo1 were pretty well balanced. Easy to kill but important part of the group. Pets and dks’ made them op but they need something for pve if most people are going to have one char.
Right, You shouldn't need a pet for a mage to do basic pve gameplay loops any beginner fighter can do just by picking up a sword
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Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
thats why i think much less people will play a pure mage. I think you will see much more hybrids and some dominators.


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2021
INT scaling is busted. Why did you copy/paste the broken INT scaling from MO1? It's absolutely stupid that there is no noticeable difference in 60 INT spell damage and 100 INT spell damage. Fix it please.


Active member
Sep 15, 2020
UPDATE: The latest hotfix patch fixed one of the two major issues with magic, which was the delays after preping and releasing a spell. Which is amazing, it feels 1000% better now.

The Combat-Mode casting seems to have had almost no changes though and still is by far the biggest issue of concern right now. If this changes back to being able to cast in combat-mode as long as you don't have a weapon equipped like in MO1 without it putting away my fists then bringing them back out then putting them away again sluggish annoying BS crap then pure mages are 100% saved and fun again.

Glad a day 1 hotfix fixed basically 1 of the 2 major issues though, thank you Star Vault.